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Posted over 4 years ago

What Drives You Forward In Life?

What drives you? That’s a heavy question, isn’t it? While it may sound like a generic interview opener, and in most cases it is, it’s also one of the more important questions you may ask yourself in life.

Take a brief moment to think about your motivations, incentives, and inspirations that steer you towards your goals. Do they control your life for the most part or do you control them to direct you towards what you need to achieve and nothing more?

Regardless of how you think your drive affects your life, it is important to know just what keeps you going forward in the first place. The best way you can figure out what drives you is to:

Analyze your achievements

What have you achieved so far in life? It doesn’t matter how big or small the event was, what matters is how much of an impact it made.

Significant events are often rooted by a drive to go far, and so are great achievements. What particular accomplishments are you really proud of that you’ve made recently and how does it connect to your drive to become the best you can possibly be?

Think about those events as they may have something in common to what gets you up in the morning.

Build up your strengths and look into them

Whatever it is you’re good at, keep at it! Building up your strengths and seeing how they help you make progress in life is a part of knowing your drive.

You could also ask your friends and family what your strongest quality is, it could give you unique insights from different perspectives of the people who have seen you at your best and even your worst.

Your strengths are an important factor in figuring out what it is that makes you utilize them to their fullest when it comes to achieving your goals.

Consider where exactly you began

Now that you’ve figured on what your proudest achievements and your greatest strengths are, ask yourself this, where exactly did it all start?

Everyone’s passion starts from something, somewhere, and someone. All it takes is a spark of inspiration to ignite the fire that burns within you that makes you want to accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams.

There are so many ways our drive can be planted within us. A few examples might be you really enjoyed writing short stories, so perhaps that was what made you want to start up a full-fledged novel, or perhaps you had a particular taste for cooking hence starting off your career as a chef.

Learn where your passions are rooted and you’ll figure out what the purpose of your growth is.

Decide what your overall goal is

What do you aspire to have at the end of it all?

That can be a heavy question all on its own, but when you figure out where your drive began what naturally follows is to think about the endgame.

What are your passions driving you towards? It also gives you the time to decide if it really is worth it at the end, which in turn lets you figure out what exactly your motivations are.

Finding your drive is to figure out your life as a whole. Find out what it is you fight for each day!
