The Value of Actions in Communication
A lot of people are all talk, what they say and what they do are two different things. As the saying goes, talk is cheap. Without actions behind the talk, it is all useless.
It is easy to talk about what we are going to do, but it doesn’t mean anything until we take action and make it happen. I have a friend that is an expert at this. He talks and talks has great plans, but where he lacks is putting those plans into action.
- Catherine Pulsifer,
“Actions speak louder than words,” and that’s a fact we tend to hear a lot.
People say things and make promises as if they were totally sincere, but how can we really handle people who couldn’t possibly reveal what they truly feel?
Delivering on promises
The main reason why there is distrust is that people make unrealistic promises. To make a promise means to forge an agreement. Once you have broken an agreement, everything you have sought to build vanishes along with your reputation.
People, in effect, should know the value of the words they use because these carry meaningful associations. We thrive in the quality of the connections that we maintain, so it’s important that we make promises we can actually fulfill.
Emotions are a currency
Whether it’s through words or actions, humans are the most expressive beings on the planet. We have the faculty that enables us to share our sentiments and make meaningful relationships in the process. Actions, for sure, can be our way of communicating sympathy and disgust, enabling us to attract or repel people depending on how well we use them.
Your actions are powerful
You have the power to make things come true. Your actions can help you achieve your goals, so it’s important that you know how to use them properly. Practice makes perfect, so make sure to= show some love through your actions.