Let's Get to Know More About Self-Doubt
A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.
- Alexandre Dumas
Accomplishing your goals is never easy if there’s self-doubt. Indeed, you’re your own worst enemy, so it’s only best that you overcome this nagging feeling of inadequacy. Here’s a guide to help you win against self-doubt.
What is Doubt?
According to Merriam-Webster, self-doubt is a feeling of “uncertainty of belief or opinion that often interferes with decision-making.” Self-doubt is a dream killer as it interferes with our ability to focus on what’s important.
Doubt is a manifestation of a lack of belief. It leads us into questioning our very own capacity to make important decisions. As a result, we defer actions or don’t take any action at all.
It all starts with the phrase, “I’m not good enough.” This puts you in a battle with yourself. But where is the starting line in all this?
Indeed, when do we begin to doubt? To know more about doubt, we need to look at its very origin.
You already have a fixed outcome
Fixed outcomes are one of the reasons why you doubt yourself. Simply put, you have expectations for the world to follow and it’s these expectations firmly take root in a fear of failure. Self-doubt happens when you let this fear to thrive. Don’t let it! For this, never set your expectations too high, or you’ll wind up falling hard on the ground.
Impostor Syndrome
Maybe, it’s the first time that you’ve come across this term. According to Merriam-Webster, Impostor Syndrome is commonly understood “as a false and sometimes crippling belief that one’s successes are the product of luck or fraud rather than skill.”
People who experience the Impostor Syndrome tend to believe that nothing they do is noteworthy or significant. Still, your actions are not defined by the tools you have. They are, instead, gauged by their impact on the lives of others.
You begin to doubt about yourself
When you are having doubts about yourself, you are having a rough time thinking about what others might think about you. This would involve your appearance, attitudes, flaws and all. You doubt that people might not accept who you are. And yet, the way others perceive you have little bearing. Live life on your own terms and don’t be swayed by the names they lob at you.
Making comparisons with other people
A person who has self-doubt doesn’t have enough confidence. He sees himself as a weak person and compares himself to others. Sticking to his mind that he couldn’t accomplish it.
For that, let me share with you a quote.
I think you’re not a human being unless you have doubts and fears.
-Mike Krzyzewski
You need to help yourself and end this
To conquer self-doubt, you must learn to believe in yourself. Nurture the love for yourself and demolish negative thoughts. You must promise to yourself that you will accept everything that comes your way.
Your decisions will result in various outcomes, either good or bad. As a good rule of thumb, you just have to make sure you choose the right path.