The Five Qualities Of A Great Leader
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”
- Lao Tzu.
What does it take to be a good leader? Is it earned through birth rights or fame? Can we all become a good leader?
Without a doubt, it's one of the most difficult jobs that an individual could have. Because as a leader you’re a great influence and a role model to everyone.
But if you’re dreaming to lead a team and you’re willing to take the risk, here are the qualities of a good leader that will help you along the way.
1. A good communicator
As a leader, you wanted to share your goals and vision to everyone. Because you know that working together with one main goal results in success. You're a great leader if you know how to listen and respond.
2. You inspire and be an example to others.
A good leader knows how to set an example that inspires others to grow and develop. It’s another way of leading his people to the right path. He must know that all the eyes of his people are looking up to him as a role model. 3. Passion to lead.
3. Passion to lead.
A leader who is passionate about his goals has a deep vision for about his leadership. His passion is born because of his dedication and enthusiasm to lead. Aside from that, passionate leaders inspire passion within his group.
4. Honest
No matter where your honesty is always been the best policy. An honest leader to his members will strengthen his integrity as a leader. Of course, nobody wants a dishonest leader right?
5. decision-Making
A great leader knows how to decide when crunch time arrives. He must know the right decision that he is about to do. However, we know that they can decide on their own but they still need the opinion of his people.
Becoming a leader is open to everyone if whose passionate and eager to be one. His portfolio must have; good communicator, inspires and to be an example to others, passion to lead, honest and has great decision-making skills.