Roadblocks: How to Deal with Hindrances that Block Your Way to Success
If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.
-Michael Jordan
What’s stopping you from achieving your dreams? Are there hindrances to your goals in life? Sometimes we feel like we’re just having a hard day. But is there something else that’s stopping us from achieving it?
Merriam Webster defines a roadblock as “something that blocks progress or prevents the accomplishment of an objective”
The meaning speaks for itself, roadblocks hinder our way from achieving the goals that we’ve always wanted. They give us struggles that are so hard to carry because of the gravity that it causes in our lives.
Now let’s talk about these roadblocks and how it’s affecting our lives. Here are the usual roadblocks that stand in your way:
1. Your fear of failure
There is no one out there who doesn’t hate failure. Failure is a natural condition. It gives us a feeling of disappointment that stays with us for the rest of our lives. This is a kind of mindset that creates this roadblock between you and building for your dreams.
2. You don’t have a support group
It’s impossible to face your problems alone. That’s why you need to find people who can provide you with the emotional support you need. It pays to be very aware of your need to nurture valuable relationships with people who matter.
3. Avoiding responsibilities
You can’t pursue something big without accepting the responsibilities that come along with it. If we’re going to imply and embrace this in our daily lives, we need to be brave enough to own every responsibility that comes along. Remember these responsibilities give you a chance to grow and mature. But if you’re going to step away from accepting it, you can’t proceed to the next level.
4. Lack of motivation
The journey towards success would be hard without motivation. Because if you lack drive and motivation, all hard-earned opportunities will slip away. But if you have something out there that motivates you, everything will be possible.
You have the power to fulfill your dreams. Those roadblocks will come across in your life, but your success and achievements will, later on, testify how strong you’ve become in facing them.