5 Ways to Kill Self-Doubt
Self-doubt can be a vicious barrier to realizing your goals in life. It lowers your self-esteem and incapacitates you from doing activities that matter. Sure enough, self-doubt can cause an internal conflict that’s difficult to overcome, even for the most confident person on earth.
I guess self-doubt is just our way of addressing an uncertain world. The fact that we don’t know for sure what lies beyond the horizon forces us into making second guesses.
Still, we can never get rid of uncertainty. It’s simply a necessary condition in human experience. However, we can always overcome self-doubt which keeps us from taking action.
1. Talk to someone
We all have thoughts inside our heads and they can be very troublesome. These thoughts would force us into believing that we’re inadequate. As we keep these thoughts within ourselves, we become even more miserable. The only way we can get rid of this burden is to talk to someone. This allows you to lighten the emotional baggage you’re carrying. The best way to do that is to talk to someone you can trust about how these feelings are affecting you.
2. Refrain from worrying
Worrying only amplifies the effects of self-doubt. That being said, don't focus too much on the results as this will only make you even more miserable. Worse, it can lead you towards inaction as you think about how you’re inefficient at what you do. Don’t let such a feeling take control. Just do the best of what you can and think about the benefits later.
For sure, worrying can also affect your decision-making, causing you to defer action because you’re still not sure of what works and what doesn’t. At the end of the day, you still need to take action. So, if you think you’re stuck between two options, stop worrying. Take a step back and examine the situation. You can then come up with clearer and well-thought-out decisions.
3. Set a strong statement in attaining your goals
When you already decided on your goals, make a statement that you've made the right choice. Prove to yourself that you can overcome doubt by being confident that you're satisfied with your goals. Remember: You’re in control here, so take a firm grip of the rudder and steer your ship towards better places!
4. Don’t be affected by external noise
Humans are judgmental in nature, to the point of being fans of criticizing. They make exaggerations and smother you in condemnations. If you’re at the receiving end of criticisms, you know how difficult it is to keep yourself motivated.
Don’t let toxic individuals distract you and destroy your momentum. They will find ways to derail you from your tracks and leave you feeling sorry for yourself. Don’t give them this privilege. Be steady and firm with what you are doing, because paying attention to them is just a waste of time.
5. Take massive action against doubt
When it comes to getting rid of self-doubt, it all depends on the decisions you make and the actions you take. Still, actions produce the results of your desire to throw away self-doubt. So, even if you’re faced with a challenge that seems too daunting, the only way out is to take action.