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Posted over 4 years ago

Changing Your Beliefs

A belief can take hold of you, and when that happens, you become numb to new ideas and experiences.

Depending on how long you have lived with this belief and how much of your life it affects, it might not be easy to forget it, especially if such a belief has become a part of your identity.

There will come a time, however, when you have to change your beliefs in order to make a difference in your life. It won’t be easy. No one becomes an entirely new person in a snap of a finger. No one gets a new set of beliefs just as easily as one changes clothes.

Here are a few ways for you to change your beliefs for the better:

Identify the beliefs that limit you

Have you ever thought that you could be so much more? It sounds cheesy, but it isn’t impossible to achieve. What could be holding you back, however, is yourself.

Try to think about your beliefs, all of them, and think of the ones that might have the most impact on your life.

To begin with, look into the ones that you follow with your heart. Chances are, they could be an obstacle to greater things. It’s tough to find out which ones they are, especially if you really believe that these keep your life intact, but in most cases, they don’t.

Understand that it may be for the best

Acknowledgment is the next step for changing your beliefs. Understanding why they must be changed comes naturally.

Understand that change is necessary and part of personal growth. This belief of yours might not benefit your life as you once thought, but it could be destroying it instead.

Come to terms that your time living with this belief must end for the good of yourself, the life you live, and the people you live for.

Be uncertain

Do you pause or draw blanks when thinking of ways that this belief has benefited your life? That’s a strong sign that change may be imminent.

Uncertainty can be that push you didn’t know you needed when you leave an old, outdated belief behind. Not knowing why it might be hindering you may also mean you don’t know why you should even keep it in your life in the first place.

Sometimes, the reason that you need to change a belief is nothing at all. Not having the answer can be just as disastrous as having a bad one.

Slowly remove yourself from them

You can’t just pull your beliefs out of your life by the roots. In most cases, that’s just as dangerous as leaving them in it for too long.

Ease yourself out of your old beliefs so it doesn’t shake up your daily schedule that much. This way you can avoid conflicts and keep your lifestyle as balanced as it always has been.

Beliefs aren’t easy to get out of. It’s natural to fall into a track and roll with it for as long as you want to. But doing this makes you miss out on all the other destinations you could have reached.

Don’t stay in that old station for too long. Hop on the next train that’s headed towards positive change.

Comments (1)

  1. Vinney , i think you have something there.Change only come when you educate your self because on the most part you don`t start out to change. You start out seeking to gather knowledge which changes into wisdom . only after you have proved to yourself that it is true. Then and only then do you make  the decision to follow through and make the change.As you know that knowledge is power, like a child learning to walk,they fall but before they can think of the fall they are up working on the success of walking because they are surrounded by those who have achieved.