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Posted about 5 years ago

Why Being Alone Can Be a Good Thing

Normal 1556629176 Why Being Alone Can Be A Good Thing

“No man is an island,” as they all say. True, we need other people to survive and it’s really impossible for us to venture through life without having someone to support us. The same can also be said in business. I have been engaged in the real estate sector for many years now. I have learned the value of creating meaningful relationships with fellow investors and just about anyone. At the same time, I also learned the value of being alone. Let me explain.

Humans, after all, are a social bunch. We need to interact with others because it’s simply our need for order and organization. No doubt, a lot of effort is usually put into forming bonds with influencers and even people who are seeking guidance. I, for one, was able to set up two academies (one for investors and one for members of the youth). I want to help people learn the importance of hard work and empower them to build long-lasting relationships.

However, as much as I want to be out there talking to people and encouraging them to make a change for the better, I also make sure that I spare time for myself. And this is where being alone is very important.

The power of introverted thinking

When you are alone by yourself, you are able to see your thoughts clearly. I describe myself as a systems guy. As much as I like to talk to people, share jokes, and tell stories, I am also fond of analyzing a situation from afar. I guess that’s the result of having a background in engineering. I tend to view things in terms of structures, so I have to spend time alone in order to understand these structures.

It really paid off! I used my time in being alone to understand the multifamily market better. It already resulted in 27 successful syndication deals which have, so far, been working out so well for me.

Anything is possible if you nurture your introverted self. Come to think, everyone has two sides. I have two sides, but I make sure that I balance everything out. My extroverted is directly involved in forming social connections, while the introverted side allows me to analyze any situation and create strategies for handling them.

So, when you’re growing your network of business partners and influencers, spend time alone to enrich your mind. Here are a few ways to go about that.

1. Meditate

I know that a lot of people are trying to stay away from meditation because it’s effective. On the contrary, substantial scientific studies point out that the practice offers massive benefits to emotional and mental health. If you’re experiencing stress a lot, you can simply find a peaceful place where you can sit down, take the breaths, and clear your mind. That way, you can feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to take on whatever challenge that comes your way.

2. Learn new things

Your downtime serves as a great opportunity to learn something new. There’s always a skill you will have to adopt, so take time to learn it as much as you can. In my case, whenever I encounter new technology, I make sure to master it. This is because I think technology, when used properly, can help you finish tasks faster and more efficiently. The same is true when I get to encounter a new concept for the first time. Before, I didn’t know what cap rates and NOI meant until I decided to focus all my energy in understanding these concepts. It was smooth sailing from then on.

3. Keep yourself fit

Being alone also provides you an opportunity to improve your health. Aside from reading books and meditating, you will also need to invest time in working out. One thing’s for sure, a healthy body also translates to a healthy mind. So, it’s important to turn exercise into a daily habit. Before you start your day, you can jog around the neighborhood. This gives your body the workout it needs to keep fit. It also makes for an effective way to loosen yourself up so you can be ready to take on the day ahead.

Being alone is a good thing as long as you use that time to nurture your mind and body. Aside from investing in valuable relationships, you will also need to invest in enhancing yourself.
