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Posted almost 6 years ago

The Habits of a Rockstar Real Estate Investor

rockstar investor

As a real estate investor, you know that it’s important to work hard (sometimes beyond your limits) in order to reap hefty gains. After all, everything has its price, and if you want to earn a lot from your investments, you will have to make the extra effort for it.

For a lot of people, investing in real estate may seem like a walk in the park. All you have to do is to put your money wherever there’s great opportunity, sit down, and wait for the cash to come flooding in. If things would have gone this way in the real estate business, then I would become just as rich as Zuckerberg or Gates! In my dreams! Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for me and all other investors who have made it “big.”

In reality, I worked hard to earn success, and I am still working hard to maintain it. You see, investing doesn’t come easy to anybody. Even the veteran investors, entrepreneurs, Attorneys, brokers and realtors are still being challenged day by day because the Commercial and Residential markets don’t stay at ease.

If there’s someone I can compare to a real estate investor, then it’s a rock star. It takes a lot of talent, dedication, and creativity to be someone like Eddie Van Halen or Jon Bon Jovi. So, investors will have to see to it that they have the mindset of rockstar in order to reap success.

Apply these habits to daily life, so you can party like a rockstar when the deals are closed and the contracts are signed!

Be open-minded with technology

Technology changes over time. Every year, we often hear of a “disruptive innovation” in the real estate industry. For sure, it’s something that you would want to adapt. If it’s something new, by all means, assess its potential impact to you as an investor. By possessing a curious mind, you can definitely find the tools and applications you need to use.

Stay focused; set your priorities

What is it you want to do for the day? You always have the choice of filling up your organizer with a lot of tasks and appointments, but this will only result in clutter. A rockstar investor knows two things when it comes to completing a great deal of tasks: 1) Proper time management and 2) Priorities assessment. If you have a lot of things to do, it helps to focus on those tasks that have a lot of weight. Assess the most urgent things to do so you can finish them before the deadlines. For larger, more complex tasks, you can chop them up into hours. For example: If you are doing research on emerging markets, you can give yourself two hours a day to focus on this particular task. This will help you manage your time wisely and avoid failures in delivering them.

Enhance your charisma

Rockstars are not only famous for their skills onstage. They are also known for their charisma, which allows them to connect instantly with their audience. You, too, can have the same level charisma by simply being where the action is. In other words, surround yourself with like-minded people and talk about the things that matter - and not just about real estate investing. Offer your insights about the trends in your industry and demonstrate humor. For me, however, high charisma can only be achieved by flashing an optimistic smile!

Learn to adapt these habits every single step of the way. With constant application, you can make it to centerstage as a rockstar investor!

If you have other ideas on becoming a rockstar in the world of real estate investing, share them in the comments below. Let's discuss them together.
