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Posted almost 15 years ago

Typical Property Management Day

Today has been a typical property management day for me.  I do most of my work on my rental properties on the weekends.  I'll field phone calls and set up appointments during the week, but most of my meetings and work projects are done on the weekend.  Today, I mowed grass and signed a new lease.

My dad and I got up and mowed the triplex, duplex, and the vacant lot this morning.  This took a couple hours.  While I was at the duplex mowing a prospective renter stopped by to look at the property.  I told him I was supposed to sign a lease tomorrow with another prospect, but I was willing to talk to him since the person scheduled for tomorrow's lease signing had cancelled last week and I wasn't 100% sure he'd make it tomorrow since he cancelled last week.  The new prospect sounded very good and was willing to put a deposit down today so I told him I'd think about it.  Anyway, I called the original lease prospect and convinced him to move the lease signing from Sunday to Saturday.  This made me feel better.  I didn't want to risk losing both tenants.  So now I sit waiting to sign the lease with the original prospect in about 30 minutes. 

It's amazing how good prospects come in groups.  I will sit with a property open for weeks with no good prospects.  Then in the course of a day or two I'll get 2 or 3 that are excellent prospects and all want the property.  I don't know why this happens?

Comments (1)

  1. Murphy's Law!