Robots Won't Replace ME!
We work with many business owners, so that means that the April 15th deadline doesn't carry quite the same "relief" that it does for many firms who work primarily with individual tax returns.
Which is one of the reasons why you still see me posting a strategy note here this week.
Oh, and I promise: no robots will be involved...
Why Soft Skills Are The Future For The Workforce
"Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture." -Ken Robinson
If we see the growth of AI as something scary, it's probable that Hollywood has affected our minds. We might immediately think of robots taking over the human race. But without going too far down that path ... it's clear that the more advanced bot technology becomes, the more our interactions in life and the workplace will change.
have a greater chance of technology eradicating their roles, thereby changing the lives of many individuals.
But as AI continues to enhance, it begs the question: how will we keep up?
(WEC) wrote an article last year on the top 10 most desirable soft skills, according to potential employers, that will combat the tech-heavy workforce. WEC names some rapidly rising technology platforms -- "AI, Internet, Self-Driving Cars, Nanotechnology, Quantum Computing, etc." -- and how they might take jobs from humans. But I'm curious about your thoughts on the soft skills side of things.
Before we ask how your business could benefit from some of these skills, here is the list:
- Complex Problem Solving
- Critical Thinking
- Creativity
- People Management
- Coordinating with Others
- Emotional Intelligence
- Judgement and Decision Making
- Service Orientation
- Negotiating
- Cognitive Flexibility
Take that, robots. They'll never be able to coordinate with others creatively while negotiating a deal and utilizing sound judgment ... or at least I really hope not.
How are soft skills perceived in your office? How do soft skills affect your hiring process? Do you look for talented individuals who exhibit these interpersonal traits, or do you mostly look for people who can come in and get the job done from a technical standpoint? I think there is value in both qualities, but it might be easier to teach someone the "technical stuff" more than "creativity" for instance.
This is why I love what I do.
I get to work in an industry that seems very technical and numbers-focused. But to come alongside you and your taxes is a relationship that I don't take lightly. You work hard all year and deserve to get the filing process right. I'm here to help you and/or your business with your tax prep and multiple financial needs. What skills does that require? I'd like to think problem solving (#1 on the list!), coordinating with others, service orientation, and sound judgment.
Are soft skills trending up in your office? I'd like to know if your team places an emphasis on these traits.
It might just be how we work through the "fourth industrial revolution".
But as far as humanity goes, in the end, I think we'll be just fine ... I think.
BE THE ROAR not the echo! sm
Janet Behm
Utah Real Estate Accountants