The WORD On New Year's Resolutions
By the time you actually get to reading this, there is a very good chance that you're reading a voice from the last decade. :) I make it a practice to prepare my blog to clients and friends a few days in advance, and RIGHT NOW, it is still 2019.
But 2020 is beckoning, and is probably already here for YOU.
Your business made it to another decade. Pop the champagne for THAT.
Despite the still-seemingly-strong economy, it's no small thing to run a business that doesn't die. And it takes fierce intention and good leadership -- even if only over your own worst impulses, for you sole proprietors out there.
That's why I still make it a practice to set my intentions for the year ahead (well, DECADE, in this instance) -- simply because when I do so, it has a way of working itself into my business operating system throughout the entire year.
This Blog is written by our good friend and contributor to our monthly newsletter, The Business Builder, Dave Olsen.
WORD By Dave Olsen
"Most people give up just when they're about to achieve success." - Ross Perot
Ah, those lofty goals of New Years Resolutions. Did you make yours? By now, 29 percent of those who did will have already stopped. By June, only 46 percent will still be struggling to maintain their goals and by year-end, a paltry 8 percent will make it.
Not very encouraging, is it?
So many self-proclaimed experts will advise you to try harder, write more lists, and use more notebooks, bullet journals, and other (My opinion) time-wasters; they are fancy, costly products for you to record your efforts and goals. One YouTuber showed off her 18-inch tall stack of such products that she felt were essential. It sounds like a whole lot of busywork to avoid accomplishing one’s goals.
Instead of buying a mountain of paper, choose a word. Short, simple, free, and works everywhere you go. You can’t leave home without it, and no chance of losing it somewhere. If you are conscious, it is with you.
Step 1: Reflect on five questions. How do I want to feel? By the end of the year, where do I want to be? What new characteristics will I have? What do I want more and what do I want less of in my life?
These answers will create a picture of where you want to be by December 31, 2020.
Step 2: You may need to meditate or sit quietly for five to ten minutes to figure out what word will guide you to your new you by December 31, 2020.
Step 3: Take ten minutes to write a list of words that you resonate with for your goal.
Step 4: Take another ten minutes to consider your list and select which word best fits your goals. For this to work, the word must be one you can see yourself committed to, not merely interests you.
Now you have the word of the year 2020.
Step 5: Every time you think of something you might do, run it past the word and confirm if it moves you toward achieving your overall goal. For example, if you chose Health, and you want to eat a bag of potato chips, even the experts and gurus will agree, potato chips will not help attain better health. But if you decide to take a walk after dinner, those same experts will all agree that it is the right choice.
But really, it doesn’t matter what the experts think; they change their advice more often then a baby diaper needs changing and for the same reason. You know what is right for you and that is the only person that counts.
Next New Year's Eve count up your successes and celebrate how you outperformed 92 percent of the population. Now that is how you win in life.
What are YOUR intentions for 2020? I'd love to hear about them.
Sure, you don't have your paperwork ready yet -- but give yourself a deadline, and help your accountant plan their workflow effectively at the same time. Poor planning is the "hidden tax" during this season.
This, of course, is why I'm in the business -- to help clients and friends make sure they're not getting nailed by these multiplicity of "hidden" taxes. This year -- with so much future-casting based in uncertainty -- the "Stupid Tax" is NOT working with a well-prepared professional when it comes to your business taxes. Don't pay that one, if you can help it.
I'm grateful for our chance to serve you and your business through these blogs -- and we are dedicated to its success, in every measure.
BE THE ROAR not the echo®
Janet Behm