What Are Important Things To Know For 2020 Taxes?
Monday, March 08
I mentioned last week the key provisions of the "American Rescue Plan," while it was just proposed legislation. Now that the House has passed it, there is more meat on those bones. I'll run it all down for you once it's been signed by the President, but the key provisions are what I indicated: ...
2021 PPP Considerations
Monday, March 08
Congress continues to throw new things our way. The House passed the "American Rescue Plan" and there are stimulus-ish things to pay attention to. One provision of note for business owners: The federal minimum wage hike was included in this bill, but my sources tell me that this is very unlikely ...
Dealing With The Crazy
Tuesday, February 23
We're keeping our powder dry over here at our accounting firm, as it relates to the "American Rescue Plan'' proposed by Biden. There's plenty of talk about it ... but as of yet, nothing has passed. I prefer to live in the world of what *is* -- instead of speculation. When something gets passed, I...
What To Take Care Of With Your Taxes?
Tuesday, February 23
We’re keeping an eye on the Congressional conversation around the "American Rescue Plan" (or Stimulus Round 3) presented by Biden. Lots of political "smoke" surrounding this, but as of this writing, no fire. In general, I prefer to keep focused on what actually *is* before dealing in speculations...
Handling Customers In Stressful Times
Thursday, February 18
I am simultaneously eager while also being slightly horrified that tax season has officially begun. Horrified, simply because the IRS has been significantly behind the 8-ball this year, and I still can't believe that we're already halfway through February 2021. EAGER ... well, because there are s...
Tax Time Is Here...Time For Estate Planning
Thursday, February 18
On Friday, the IRS began accepting tax returns and people like me all around the country started buckling up for what is already quite a ride. With new PPP loans for small business owners, credits aplenty in all of the variety of stimulus bills, DELAYS from the IRS, fraudulent unemployment claim...