Custom Is In The Detail
Custom Is In The Detail
By Rick MerliniLive Well Custom Homes
Old King Salomon was a pretty smart guy. He understood that greatness lay in the small details. Those small details don’t have to cost you big money. You just have to be creative and think out of the box.
This week’s tip is Fun With Drywall. This is an area that is often underestimated.. But drywall is a simple and inexpensive way to achieve quality detail. So let’s get started
1. Trim-Tex is the manufacturer creates unique plastic corner pieces for drywall. Instead of just square corners you can achieve different looks. These different profiles don’t have to be used everywhere. For example , in a two story home , and you may choose to use one of these different profiles on the first floor only. A 2000 Square foot area will cost you about $800 more to give your home that small detail that will set you apart.
2. Another ideas is to create arches in openings instead of the usual square openings. Just be careful not to arch door openings that will require expensive arched interior doors. Each arched opening should only cost you $100 to $200 per opening.
3.Create a niche area in your wall with an arch top. Display decorative items in it for a custom look for low dollars.
. Remember, greatness in is the details. Good luck with your home and I hope this helps you. If you have any other question or comments, feel free to leave them here or email me at [email protected]