Be The Best Version Of Yourself – A New Year Goal
Be the Best Version of Yourself – A New Year Goal
“True power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero, and leader.”
— Yung Pueblo, Inward.
Let’s be candid; no one wants to be the lesser version of themselves. We all dream of being the absolute best possible version of ourselves. The truth of the matter, however, is that only a few of us actually work towards achieving this goal. More often than not, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to pursuing our personal goals, achieving success, and living the life that we actually want.
Are you wondering how you can achieve your goals? Perhaps 2018 was no walk in the park for you. Maybe you are morbidly sick of your dead-end job. Maybe you are in a rocky relationship or marriage. Which begs the question: how can you become the best version of yourself to become happier, healthier, and well-rounded?
In this article, we are going to take a look at 5 aspects of life where you have to continually spruce up in order to become the best version of yourself. We shall also cover several tips for improving these crucial areas of life.
Please Note:
The key is to have clear goals and specific plan for achieving these goals.
(1) Your Mind and Mindset – Become Mentally Strong
In today’s ever-busy world, our lives are riddled with distractions, stress, anxiety, and other life’s ups and downs. That’s why it is more crucial than ever before to take exceptional care of your mind, and mental well-being. You might already know this, but a sound and healthy mind is the single most important asset anyone can have. By taking great care of it, you will be able to stay mentally strong and make smart life decisions.
Of course, cultivating a positive mindset and taking care of your mind is not a day’s work. Here are some tips that might come in handy:
●Control your mind, and not the other way around: if you don’t get a handle on your mind, it will start focusing on negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, pessimistic thinking, and other self-destructive cognitive distortions. So, ensure that you’re on the wheel of your mind.
●Surround yourself with positivity: negativity is all in your mind and it drains energy off you, which is why you need to reinforce yourself with like-minded people that give off a positive vibe. This will also do wonders for your mindset.
●Brainstorm ideas regularly and join a Mastermined group: your mind feeds on ideas. The more you brainstorm ideas that’ll help you achieve personal goals, the more enlightened and mentally strong you’ll become.
●Try new things: break through your “thinking “ceiling, and start thinking outside of the box. Try new things, new ideas, get uncomfortable to grow and you’ll see how your mindset will change, too.
●Practice yoga and meditation: these two practices are an equivalent of high-intensity workouts for your mind. They’ll increase your mental strength as well as boost your spirit, uplift your mood, you will gain clarity and better ability to make the right decisions, and stave off anxiety and stress.
(2) Your Body – Exercise and Become Physically Fit
Your body belongs to you, and no one will take care of it for you. And if you are not physically fit and healthy, it would be difficult to become the best version of yourself. Consider the following tips to take care of your body to achieve maximum physical fitness and peak performance:
Exercise Regularly: This one is a no-brainer. Exercising is great for every facet of your life. So, take a walk, jog, run, swim or hit the gym. Regular workouts have been proven to help release “happy-making” hormones like endorphins and serotonin. More crucially, exercising gives you time to think as well as clear your mind. You don’t need to be reminded that regular exercise routine is good for your heart health. It can also help you stay fit, healthy, and enjoy overall well-being.
Eat healthily: Consume unprocessed sugar, eat healthy fats (omega-3 seafood), maximize intake of veggies and fruits, and don’t forget rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. Try to reduce or avoid altogether substance abuse for a healthy lifestyle.
Get plenty of quality sleep: That’s essential for physical health, mood, skin health, etc.
Avoid stress: anxiety and stress are the number one enemies of your body.
“Your body is your home. Treat it with love and respect.”
(3) Grow Spiritually – Enjoy Personal Growth
You also need to take good care of your spirit to achieve personal growth, realize personal goals, and become the best version of “you.” How to achieve my goals spiritually?
Here are some ways you can take your spiritual health to the next level:
●Have big faith in yourself but not in an egocentric manner.
●Cultivate a health level of self-worth and self-confidence
●Celebrate small victories, which is especially useful in financial goal setting
●Embrace an attitude of gratitude and celebrate life often
●Develop integrity and help others
●Embrace spirituality. Don’t forget to meditate or pray, be thankful, and make a difference in someone’s life.
●Have faith in your self and the universe will bring you everything you need.
(4) Relationships
People around you can bring the best or the worst out of you. It’s your call. As such, it is important to develop and nurture deep relationships in life. How to achieve my goals in my relationships? Turns out, you have 3 cornerstones of support, love, and empowerment in your personal relationship: your partner, your friends, and your family. Without them, you are an empty nest. Similarly, in your financial goal setting and professional life, you have to cultivate a healthy relationship with your financial advisor, your boss, your mentors, and your colleagues.
(5) Finances – Become Financially Free
Aren’t we all here on Bigger Pockets investing in Real Estate to achieve our financial freedom?
If your answer is yes, you should embrace the habit of financial goal setting.
There are many articles online covering different aspects of Goal Setting, you must have heard about the method of SMART goals (an acronym for the 5 steps of Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based goals).
In this last but not least section about setting Financial Goals, I will not cover the SMART principles in details, But I would like to share with you actions that would position you towards success while enjoying the journey.
- Define what you want to achieve: Start with the end in mind, what is your ultimate financial goal? How much monthly Cash flow do you need to be financially free?Is it $5k, $10k or $20k per month?
- Set up a strategy and specific plan: get a mentor, Coach or join a Mastermind group to guide you and keep you accountable.
- Focus Daily – Be Disciplined: Write your goals down, have Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Goals. Monitor these goals step by step.
- Check off your daily goals: use a notebook, checklist or an app to monitor your daily and weekly progress.
- Celebrate your daily, weekly and longer terms wins.
Financial goal setting helps you curb impulse spending, budget appropriately, and plan wisely for future endeavors.
Budget, budget, and budget: That should be your financial mantra if you want to stay on top of your finances, and make sure that every hard-earned dollar goes to good use.
Take a chance: think of legendary investors like Warren Buffett. They took a chance, made risky yet smart and informed decisions, and they came out wildly successful. Success is not for the financial coward. It’s for those who Make It Happen, and take action!
A tip to the young ones: Start saving and investing early: even in your 20s, start saving, planning and educating yourself. Remember this is perhaps the only time you have a chance to save absolutely every penny you earn. It might not be much, but you have no family to feed, no mortgage to pay etc.
Becoming the best version of yourself boils down to taking care of these five areas of your life. Take care of your mind, body, finances, spirit, and relationships. This way, you’ll achieve personal goals, and take your life to the next level.
Happy New Year!
Comments (1)
Thank you for the post, I can agree on all of the topics you mentioned. A lot of the time, I am neglecting one or the other, because im incapable of doing everything perfectly all the time. BUT I do strive for balance in all those areas now. When I was getting into my first house, I put all my energy into that. Physical fitness went out the window, diet went out the window, there was no meditation, the only thing on my mind was money. And I felt the effects from that.
I believe financial freedom can be attained by neglecting ALL those things too, but I can almost guarantee you will not feel to good. If you do, then you're lucky. I am slowly finding balance with what works for me. The essentials for me lately have been physical fitness, prayer & meditation and giving back (diet could improve). When I do all those things consistently, everything else seems to fall into place.
Happy new year!
Brian Ellis, about 6 years ago