2 More Houzz Rehabs to Unlock Your Home’s Potential
Whether you’re in the process of buying your next home or you’re already a homeowner, you’ve probably considered a big topic… and that’s a property’s potential. This is especially true if you’re in the market for a rehab that you want to turn into a great investment.
After decades of experience rehabbing properties, including an award-winning Frank Lloyd Wright home, I’ve learned the power of one easy technique. What could be so helpful in bringing out the best in any property? Browsing other homes.
Now, as a Southwest Florida Realtor, I get to tour countless homes during my month. But with the Internet, you have the power to get ideas too, and we’re doing exactly that today!
Distinctly Modern and Completely Inviting
Last time, we saw a property with an attractive Mid-Century Modern look, but this rehab is something else. In addition to being bright and open, it also has a distinctive warmth to it that is truly touching. While a splash of color on your walls might bring out the best in your rehab, this property went a slightly different direction. By going with white, including a white ceiling, the hardwood flooring becomes the centerpiece. In a way, the subtle lines of the wood ceiling also enhance this feeling as it captures the Mid-Century Modern look. Still, I love the touch of the seashore in some of the pictures.
Now, it would be nice to see the before and after shots, but with a property like this, a great deal of the rehab is magnifying what’s already there even more. This is often true with historic or semi-historic homes that don’t need heavy-duty restoration. Finally, the outdoor area adds the finishing touches to a property that is very handsome.
A Colonial Revival Takes it to the Next Level
If you enjoyed browsing our first property, you’re going to really fall in love with this one and I sure you’ll see how the property is a design inspiration. In fact, for this rehab, there are many similar elements as our previous one, but with a totally different feel! Yet, the home is so warm and inviting, with a clean, refreshing look that I can’t get over. But there are a few elements that I simply must point out.
First, the historic blue they’ve chosen is attractive for this property, and I see a few modern-ish looking pieces slipped in throughout. The furniture feels like it’s pulling things together in a way that doesn’t offset the home’s 1800s history. But those doors! You could almost miss them if you look too quickly, but the craftsman style and the barndoor style are lovely. Then, once you consider the brick, the hardwood floors, the wonderful railing of the staircase… well, you can probably see why I chose it for this article.
Are you considering a Southwest Florida property for rehab, but have a few questions? I’d love to help, simply shoot me an email!
Terry Records