4 More Simple Tips for Becoming an Incredible Real Estate Agent
As a real estate agent or someone thinking about becoming one, you might have wondered about how to go from a novice to an incredible agent as soon as possible. After all, those Realtors who provide a higher level of service are the ones who are known in their communities and even on a much broader level.
After decades of experience in multiple markets, I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to attain that coveted spot. And recently, we saw how several simple and easy tips can put you on the path to becoming an amazing agent. But as your source for everything real estate and investment related, I wanted to bring you a few more!
Help your clients attain their financial direction
Go beyond just making real estate transactions, and truly learn what each of your clients needs. After all, as we saw last week, you’re the expert in your market, and your community looks to you for real estate advice that goes beyond the everyday. By supporting your clients’ longer-term goals, you’re also making yourself their lifelong real estate agent with their best interests in mind.
Delegate to your team
If you’re still starting out in the real estate business, you might not yet have a team you can fall back on (and if that’s the case, make sure you read our next 2 tips). However, for many real estate agents, you can create partnerships that can greatly help you excel in the industry. For example, stuffing envelopes may not be your thing, but you may still want to send mailers to your community. In that case, partnering with a company that provides that at a low cost is, in a way, delegating to a team.
Consult with experts
On that note, always choose experts, even if you’re just reading a news article on your area market. From the information you trust to the contractor helping you remodel, you want people who are willing to go the extra mile in their respective skills. Too often I’ve seen newer agents dive headlong into a deal or provide advice to clients without first consulting with a source they know is reliable. This is one of the big reasons that I’ll be releasing my own real estate investing books soon.
Turn to your mentor
Finally, you do have a real estate mentor, right? As a coach for real estate and investing, I can attest to the difference that experience can make. And if you’re still only a few years into the industry, you can tap that experience from a trusted mentor, saving you years of time (and money, in some cases.) I’m always just an email away for all of you when it comes to mentoring and coaching advice.
Terry Records