6 Misconceptions about Owning a Home in Southwest Florida
Sunday, May 27
If you’ve considered owning a home in Southwest Florida, or just about anywhere in Florida for that matter, you’ve probably heard a few “facts” about the area. But just like any part of the country, there’s a more rich and interesting story right below the surface. Truthfully, once you’ve lived h...
What’s Your Assessment, Are We in a Real Estate Bubble?
Sunday, May 27
From California to New York City and Southwest Florida to Seattle, there’s a question that’s been popping up more frequently. You can find this question being asked in the financial news as well as in the real estate community. It’s even being asked on popular sites like Reddit!And with many area...
3 Questions for Your Real Estate Agent When You’re Buying
Saturday, May 26
For those of you who are in the homebuying process or know someone who is, there’s a lot that goes along with the experience. After all, for most people, this decision will likely be the biggest financial decision of their lives. At the same time, there are many factors to consider and balance ag...
4 More Questions for Your Realtor When You’re Buying a Home
Saturday, May 26
When you’re buying a home, in Southwest Florida or Cincinnati, you’ll find that there are many factors involved. Whether we’re talking about how much the property taxes are in an area or how long your commute will be, you realize how important many of these questions are.And with that decision, y...
It’s not Just Affordable Homes, Southwest Florida has Many Benefits
Saturday, May 26
You may have heard recently how Southwest Florida has many areas with affordable, attractive properties. This is true whether you’re looking to retire to a condo on the beach or you’re a young professional moving to the area. From New York to San Francisco, people are talking about how Southwest ...
Flood Insurance and Owning Florida Real Estate
Saturday, May 26
When it comes to Florida real estate, a question that often comes up, whether my clients are buying on Sanibel Island or Sarasota. And that question is whether they need flood insurance. It’s also followed closely by how much coverage they might need.Of course, these questions make perfect sense ...