BLENDED PORTFOLIOS and why you need to keep an open mind!
Below are some examples of the types of deals you will run across that you need to know how to close and make money on. Don't be a 1 trick pony. There are not enough of any 1 type of deal to prosper long term in the Austin, TX and surrounding market.
Traditional 25% down purchases- (Rental)
Hard Money to Conventional Refi’s (Rental)
Hard Money to Flip (my favorite #1)
Loan Assumption
Mortgage Wrap (Owner Occ or Rental or 2nd Wrap)
Owner Finance (no underlying lien)
Loan Assumption to Owner Finance Resale (my favorite #2)
Loan Assumption Purchase to O.F./M.W. RESALE to Note Sale (my favorite #3)
Wholesale Assignment (assignment fee)
Wholesale Double Close (Double closings)
Wholesale Blind HUD
Buying/selling notes
Retail Real Estate
Message me if you have any questions about any of these types of deals!