How Can Passive Investors Know They’re Investing in a Strong Market?
Monday, February 10
Passive investors who participate in multifamily syndications and invest with others often find that they’re investing with syndicators who purchase out-of-state properties. For example, I live in California, but I invest in properties that are located in Texas, Georgia and Florida. There are m...
How Your Property Manager Can Help You Evaluate A Deal
Monday, February 03
When you think of a property manager, you think of someone who keeps your property running smoothly. That includes everything from keeping vacancy rates low, making sure tenants are happy (and pay you on time!), ensuring that repairs are made quickly, along with a myriad of other things. What...
Top 10 Cities with the Highest Rent Populations
Monday, January 27
In real estate investing, data interpreting is a challenge because the market is fluid and shifts often. One of the key principles to understanding real estate statistics and interpretations is to always consider trends over a significant period of time, to avoid making knee jerk reactions in tem...
How to Manage Your Out-of-State Investments
Monday, January 20
Many syndicators and investors tend to buy multifamily properties in areas that they’re familiar with, which is usually where they live. Unfortunately, by doing this they are limiting their opportunities to make money from both operating income and appreciation. Here’s why: some markets are ei...
How to Find Off Market Deals
Monday, January 13
Every real estate investor is dreaming about finding that perfect off market deal. If you’re not familiar with off market deals, they relate to multifamily properties that aren’t marketed in traditional methods on the Internet or shared with everyone. These deals are generally available from b...
How I Deal With Uncertainty When Buying Real Estate
Monday, January 06
There’s always some uncertainty when purchasing multifamily properties. I’ve been syndicating and buying real estate for years, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned is that real estate investments always have an aspect of uncertainty when you acquire a property. Of course, this shouldn’t surpr...