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Posted almost 4 years ago

How to Use Attraction Marketing to Increase Your Lead Generation

Attraction marketing uses online tools and social media to create and connect with followers. A major element of attraction marketing is building an emotional connection through storytelling that produces leads and loyalty.

Client trust matters for closing deals. This is true across industries. However, real estate is a relationship business and trust and loyalty are essential for success. Therefore, attraction marketing is an essential part of your real estate investing marketing plan.

What is Attraction Marketing?
You’ve likely experienced attraction marketing whether you realized it or not. Attraction marketing is a marketing strategy designed to attract leads by showing how your service or brand created a positive impact for you and your business. For example, sharing how you used income from rental properties to pay for your children’s college so they could graduate debt-free is attraction marketing in action.

An intentional and personal approach builds trust and connection that grows your number of leads. The key with attraction marketing is to use marketing content that brings quality lead generation. You want leads that will act and not just a list of countless, unengaged followers.

Create Quality Leads with Attraction Marketing

Many influencers today chase a high follower count. That does feel good and demonstrates your social media content works. Yet, quality leads matter more than having a ton of followers that don’t produce revenue. When done well, attraction marketing not only increases your followers, but it connects with the right leads.

With real estate investing, you need to pick marketing channels and tell stories that attract clients, other investors and professionals in real estate. You want to grow your buyer’s list and build your network. That’s what attraction marketing is all about.

Attraction Marketing Phases

Like with all marketing strategies, the goal is to achieve specific business objectives. With attraction marketing the goal is lead generation. When done well, attraction marketing following certain phases.

  • Attract Leads
  • Build Loyal Relationships
  • Generate Income through Lead Transition
  • Retain Clients

Five Ways to Use Attraction Marketing for Increased Lead Generation

1 – Determine Your Target Audience

Good marketing starts with determining your target market. In other words, who is your ideal client and who do you want to attract? Who do you get excited about adding to your leads? That’s your target market.

Once you determine who you want to attract, then use market research to identity their core problem or issue. Position your offer to meet their needs. With attraction marketing, you tell the story of how your offer solved a similar problem for you and how it can provide a solution for their problem too.

2 – Diversify Marketing Channels

Omnichannel marketing uses multiple marketing channels to communicate a consistent message with a consistent call to action. For attraction marketing, use the channels that work best with this approach. For example, social media works well for storytelling. Podcast, blog posts and video also provide a great platform. Don’t forget your website! Treat your website like your storefront to project the image you want for your brand.

3 – Tell Your Success Story

Storytelling is the main element of attraction marketing. While you want to share your success story, you also want to add vulnerable moments where you struggled or had setbacks. Show your perseverance and how that contributed to your ultimate success. The goal with storytelling is relatability.

Be both honest and genuine with your storytelling. Cultivate intentional content. Also, keep in mind that you need to maintain sensitivity to different portions of your audience. Stay away from divisive views, like politics. Keep the story relevant to your business goals. Design your story to appeal to your target audience.

4 – Provide Valuable Content with a Specific Call to Action

Good marketing always has a specific goal. Attraction marketing is a tool with a purpose. If you are marketing your business, you aren’t simply telling stories to entertain. You want action. That means you need to provide a call to action. Leave your audience with a next step to move them along the sales process.

Free content offers a way to build goodwill and inform your audience. Especially in real estate, your audience may need education before they act. Good content lays this foundation. For example, how-to videos and podcasts work well. Free eBooks offer a productive way to collect permission to send prospects email marketing materials. Add value to attract the audience you desire.

5 – Sell Your Solution

With attraction marketing the sale’s process is subtle. The true goal is to provide an attractive brand image with a compelling story that makes the prospect come to you. With real estate, show your audience how real estate investing changed your life. Present your solution as the hero of your story. This works whether your product is real estate investing education, finding wholesale buyers or finding partners to invest in multifamily housing. A good story works to attract leads across industries and product offers.

Attraction Marketing Increases Lead Generation

Take the time to create an intentional attraction marketing plan. Don’t just wing it! Write down your specific actions and timeline. Include defined goals and track your success. When done well, attraction marketing produces increased leads to help grow your real estate investing business.

Comments (1)

  1. Interesting article, thank you for sharing. If you or any reader likes this I would suggest digging deeper into the specifics of the inbound marketing methodology. It seems like the success story you are using is just a form of testimonial (yours as well as clients), which is one of many types of content used in the inbound method. 

    The other critical component with this, as with any lead nurturing system, is how you capture leads and move them through the different stages. In other words, what technology you use to act as the facilitator.