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Posted over 6 years ago

Social Media for your Airbnb and Short Term Vacation Rental

I get asked all the time: should I start a social media presence for their Airbnb listing?

YES! Absolutely yes. It's free, super easy to set up, and the possibilities for return on investment are endless.

Are you looking for content to post on your social media for your Airbnb listing? Stay tuned for the end of the article where we compiled plenty of ideas to keep your social media content fresh! 

Reasons Why You Should Do Social Media

First, the obvious one: more people will be aware of your vacation rental. The more people that see your rental, the more potential guests you will have. Even if you only get one booking off of social media a year, it is worth the small time investment.

You never know who is going to be looking for you. Our vacation rental was featured in the local news for a story about a big sports event. From that video and article, I got lots of phone calls, emails, and even people I know asking about renting our properties. Guess where they found our information? Facebook!

Building your brand through social media makes your company more legitimate. If you want to expand your business at any point, you will probably need to ask for funding from a bank or private money. Having a brand gives your more credibility, and social media can help you build that brand.

You get to join a community of local businesses. Most local businesses are on social media, and when you get an account you increase your networking capacity. Commenting on local businesses opens up new doors to places you couldn't even imagine!

Guests who see your social media account also get a peek at your personality. People will feel more connected to you and are more likely to give five star ratings.

Start the Accounts

If you only plan on having one vacation rental, use your catchy listing name for the accounts. If you plan on expanding or have multiple listings already, you will want to come up with an umbrella name so that all of your listings are under one account. Keep it simple - we chose Vacation Rentals Omaha for all of our listings. Something generic is fine, because you will showcase your catchy titles when you post content.

Facebook and Instagram are the two social media platforms where we see the most traffic. Link your Facebook and Instagram, and when you post to Instagram it will automatically update your Facebook page (saving you time).

Other social media outlets such as Twitter or Snapchat are not worth the effort in my opinion. However, they are free so if you have the time, go for it!

Get Followers

Most likely you already have a personal Facebook and/or Instagram page. When you set up your business Facebook page, invite your friends and family to like and follow the page. They will be your biggest supporters! My father in law literally shares everything we post.

Hashtags are important because people use them when searching for a particular concept on Instagram. You want your property to reach as wide of an audience as possible, so hashtag the hell out of your posts: #Airbnb #host #airbnbomaha #visitomaha #vacationrentalsomaha #dundee #travel #hustle etc etc etc.

Get active on your pages. Join the local groups, follow tourist boards, local businesses and property management companies. Make comments and like tons of local posts. Again, the goal is to have as many people as possible see your accounts.

Airbnb is weird about sharing social media information over their webpage and via guest messages. Instead of putting your social media handle online via Airbnb, physically put it in your rental. Business cards with your social media information are great because guests can take that information with them. You can also put it in your guidebook, guestbook, or make a cute little sign. Encourage your guests to tag you on social media!

Keep Your Accounts Fresh

The first posts should be the basic shots of your listings. Think of it as a mini-Airbnb site. Instagram is great because you can use a bunch of different filters and a multiple picture layout, and will post directly onto Facebook for you.

You need to post at least once a week to social media so that you stay relevant and at the top of everyone's feeds. After the initial pictures, however, it can be difficult to generate ideas on what to post. You should include personal recommendations and your own experiences, so next time you are out to dinner take a picture and post it. Show your guests the best spots around town!

Without further ado, here is our list of content ideas for your Airbnb social media posts:

The view from your listing at different times of the day/year: during a super moon, night skyline, sunset, sunrise, first snowfall, leaves turning colors, spring flowers, during fireworks, etc

After decorating your listing for a holiday, snap a picture and write something like, "Happy Saint Patty's Day from Vacation Rentals Omaha!" If you don't get around to decorating, just post a funny picture or meme that has to do with the holiday.

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Compile a list of events related to an upcoming holiday. All the places to get green beer for saint patty's day, romantic date ideas for valentines, etc.

Speak directly to your target audience. They should be able to picture themselves in your rental. If you are dog friendly, take a picture of a dog enjoying the back yard. If you are catering to families, borrow a baby and take a picture of them playing on the rug or with toys you provide. Better yet, combine those last two - everybody loves dogs and babies!

Anytime you update your Airbnb with new sheets, wall hanging, etc, take a picture and upload it.

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Guest reviews: take a screen shot of the Airbnb review, or take a picture of a nice comment written in the guestbook.

Fill in the blank posts: "My favorite steak house in Omaha is _________"

Milestones in your business. If you just reached your 100th guest, or you got new business cards, celebrate and take a picture to share.

Create a travel itinerary for a subset of people: active, romantic, family, free, foodies, girls night out, etc. You can use the same itinerary that is in your guidebook so you don't have to recreate the wheel.

Make a list of famous people from your city. Go to wikimedia commons to find pictures of them, and then use a website like Picfont to add text. The text can be quotes, biographies, or facts.


You can also find pictures of famous paintings on Wikipedia commons. Find out what famous paintings are featured in the museums in your town.

Did you know? Facts about your city or your Airbnb listing, or Airbnb in general.

Quotes - pick a pretty picture from and upload a quote onto PicFont. The quotes could be about traveling, your theme, your city, whatever.

Recommend books from local authors or books about Airbnb hosting.

Ditto for magazines, blogs, websites, etc

Ask for advice - what should we add next to our listing? A hot tub or a fire pit?

Hold a photo contest. Best picture of your city!

Celebrate random holidays, like national pizza day or cupcake month.

Share and ask for predictions about things that are happening around your town. Who do you think will win _____ game?

Thank your guests. A simple thank you to everyone who has stayed with us!

Share new Airbnb updates, like if they come out with a new feature or hit a milestone.

Share an upcoming event, concert, or festival.

Highlight a local business. You can really go into depth with this and interview the owner, or just post a picture of when you were there - like Coffee Shop of the month.

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Do a Throw Back Thursday, and share old photographs of your city. Check local museums websites for pictures.

Feature a local restaurant or post a funny meme for taco Tuesday.

Interview a female friend or post a quote from a famous woman from your city on WCW (woman crush Wednesday)

Interview a guest or family who is staying in your Airbnb. Offer them a small discount!

Share an infographic about your city

Do a Free-things Friday and post about a free place to visit in the city

Post a random funny meme

Tips and tricks for visiting your city. Where are free places to park? What is the best place for happy hour?

Stage some shots to emphasize your amenities. Take a picture of a meal you cooked, these are the types of meals you can make in your Airbnb kitchen. Set up some bags in the huge fenced backyard. Show a pile of folded laundry if you have a washer/dryer. Fully stocked wine fridge. Game of cards ready to play on a big dining room table. Cozy hot chocolate next to a blanket on a cold winter day. You get the idea!

Add a plant or vase of flowers, or bowl of fruit

Follow other Airbnb listings and get inspiration from them. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?
