161-TNG Radio – Christopher Thornberg 2-13-10
This week Bruce is joined by Christopher Thornberg. Christopher is an expert in the study of regional economies, real estate dynamics, and business forecasting. In 2006, he co-founded Beacon Economics which is an economic research and consulting firm that specializes in real estate markets, local economic development, and public and private policy issues. Christopher has also been part of the Norris Group’s award-winning fundraising series, I Survived Real Estate.
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Christopher and Bruce discuss the current state of the market and whether the market is truly experiencing a comeback or is it completely manufactured. Christopher goes into detail about Bernanke and his current handling of the market. Government actions has delayed the inevitable and Christopher and Bruce discuss what the different strategies have been and how effective they have been and how much longer we should expect to see these manipulations.
Bruce and Christopher talk about Fannie Mae and FHA and the growing issues with FHA’s portfolio. The Mortgage Bankers Association estimates 20% of the their loan portfolio is in trouble.