Harry Dent Joins Bruce Norris on the Real Estate Radio Show #342
Bruce Norris is joined once again this week by Harry Dent. Harry is a New York Times best-selling author known for his ability to look at past cycles and demographics, to reject what is next for the economy, and where to most wisely invest. One of his most famous calls was writing a book back in 1992 entitled The Great Boom Ahead. When most of the authors were writing about a repeat of a Great Depression, in 2008 Harry also wrote a book projecting a Great Depression. His most recent work is The Great Crash Ahead, subtitled “For a World Turned Upside Down." Bruce and Harry discuss inflation and deflation, the target of the subtitle “For a World Turned Upside Down," the Great Depression of the 1930s and whether we will see another, historical debt bubbles, our long-term demographic downturn, the demographics of real estate, the baby boomer generation, and much more on this weeks real estate radio show and podcast.
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