I Survived Real Estate 2008 - Part 6 TNG Radio
Part six of “I Survived Real Estate 2008” picks up with review from last week. Since this is the solution portion it’s very important. Later in the interview the Q&A with all panelists begins.
Bruce shows the audience a list of 20 homes The Norris Group purchased in the past 45 days through auction or out of the MLS and the huge price hits lenders are taking. On 20 transactions, the banks took a $4.6 million dollar loss. Bruce says he’s worried about the domino effect. Too many people owe more than their property is worth.
Bruce says there are three ways to solve a vacancy. We can tear down houses and create an artificial housing shortage. We can leave it vacant and wait for till household formation catches up with supply. Or, we could make it possible for investors to have financing to hold them.
Four solutions that are needed to get us back on track. The 203k loan program from FHA should be made available to investors. It was available to investors until 1996 and then FHA discontinued because it had done its job of getting rid of foreclosures. FHA doesn’t have a ton of foreclosures because they didn’t make a ton of loans. However, the loan program needs to be made available for investors to expedite the foreclosure problem.
Fannie and Freddie need to increase the number of loans they will give to investors. Both want to open offices in California to help unload inventory more quickly and investors are likely candidates. At the same time, they are cutting back on financing available. Both are in a dire situation. Fannie and Freddie hold a huge amount of the foreclosures.
Option Arms are the next wave and these loans represent 50% of Fannie and Freddie losses. Bruce shows the Option Arm reset chart. The chart shows the expected resets and what’s currently happening now. A huge number of these Option Arm loan holders are making teaser payments. Once the loan balance hits a certain percentage, the loan resets. 90% of the borrowers of these loans made the minimum payment. Many won’t walk until the reset because the payment is cheaper than rent.
The foreclosure process is now taking longer because the banks are so slammed but because of the new regulations as well. The bulk of these are set to land in 2009. The loan amounts were typically more than subprime and the lenders will have to recalculate what they made because of how they were writing things off.
Bruce says a due on sale moratorium would make it possible for investors to buy properties that would undoubtedly become foreclosures, it would allow Realtors and auctioneers to make commission on properties with no equity but favorable financing, allow a consumer to move on with credit intact, and improve liquidity in the system.
In the 1980s, foreclosures exploded but price deterioration wasn’t bad. Assumptions of loans saved the market. When interest rates were 17%, people were able to assume better financing. Bringing back the simple assumption could really help.
Bruce also suggests the 90 day seasoning period on properties to be removed so investors can fix houses and sell them more quickly. Bruce shows the audience the picture of one of The Norris Group’s fixed up properties. Bruce describes why our fixed up inventory is so important for the market. The assumption that investors are committing fraud is completely wrong and is actually causing more problems. The creation of the two levels of comps is necessary to keep prices stable.
Bruce also wants to see long-term financing for investors so we can get the market cranking again.
Bruce then starts the second part of event. All eight guests appear on the stage to discuss the solutions brought forward.
Tommy Williams starts off by speaking on the point that there are some properties that should be bulldozed as some neighborhoods would actually be better off.
Christopher Thornberg brings up the political ramifications and complications of solutions and the difficulty of getting people to listen. Christopher also brings up the myth where some people renting must mean that person’s life is a complete wash. Christopher also brings up how investors were blamed for the current market.
Bruce brings up the fact that all the solutions he proposed are not new and that they had existed at one time in the past. It’s nothing new and they worked before.
Rick Sharga says the number of properties in foreclosure that are not owner occupied have not gone up that much. The myth that the investor caused it is not correct. Rick points out that many of the solutions would have to be implemented one piece at a time and it would take time. Rick also talks about non profits getting involved. Habitat for Humanity is taking REOs and rehabbing them instead of starting from scratch. Rick also talks about how numerous investors are coming in with large pools of money ready to take down portfolios of notes.
Bruce talks about how he gets called by Wall Street often and how they are putting together multi-million dollar pools to do that and they want to know when bottom is. Bruce is not excited about the thought that the very companies that helped get us into this mess will be the ones who also take advantage of the current situation. More to come.
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I Survived Real Estate 2008 took place on August 23rd, 2008 at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, CA. The event proceeds went to benefit the Orange County Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Over 400 attended the live event, many more attended online via Proxibid who aired the entire event nationwide online over the Internet, and many more will watch the event recording online.
This event was about solutions for our ailing real estate industry and to help an important cause. Eight industry experts from different real estate sectors converged to discuss how we got here, where we're going, and how we move forward together and prosper in the coming year. This is a rare opportunity to hear how leadership from the Realtors, builders, investors, mortgage industry, auctioneers and service providers each would approach and solve issues in the current California and national real estate market.
Expert Real Estate Panelists Inclulded:
Tommy Williams, President of the National Auctioneers Association
Rick Sharga, VP Marketing RealtyTrac
Christopher Thornberg, Beacon Economics
Bruce Norris,
President of The Norris Group
Joel Singer, Executive VP for C.A.R.
Annemaria Allen, The Compliance Group
Richard Lambros, Building Industry Association of Southern California
Philip X. Tirone, 7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score
Click HERE to see information on I Survived Real Estate 2008 including information about the video online. A very special to the following sponsors who made I Survived Real Estate 2008 possible:
I Survived Real Estate 2008 Platinum Sponsors:
San Diego Creative Investors Association (SDCIA) and Bill Tan: http://www.sdcia.com/
Investors Workshops and Shawn Watkins: http://www.investorsworkshops.com/
Frye / Wiles: http://www.fryewiles.com/
Proxibid: http://www.proxibid.com/
White House Catering: http://www.whcatering.com/
MVT Productions: http://www.mvtpro.com/
Pechanga Resort & Casino: http://www.pechanga.com/home.asp
The Denver Nuggets: http://www.nba.com/nuggets/
The Chicago Bulls: http://www.nba.com/bulls/
The Cleveland Cavaliers: http://www.nba.com/cavaliers/
Gold Sponsors:
Silverstar Finance - http://www.silverstarfinance.com/
Elite Auctions - http://www.sellwithauction.com/
7 Steps to a 720 Credit Score: http://www.7stepsto720.com/
RealtyTrac - http://www.realtytrac.com/
The Mission Inn - http://www.missioninn.com/
Las Brisas Escrow - http://www.lasbrisasescrow.com/
Chicago Title Company - https://www.ctic.com/
The Mortgage Equity Group - http://themeg.net/
Wholesale Capital Corporation - http://www.wccmtg.com/
Real Wealth Investor - http://www.realwealthinvestor.com/
Saddleback Valley Communities: http://svc4.com/
Sunset Hills Memorial Park and Mortuary: http://www.sunsethills.cc/ =
Northern California Real Estate Investors Association (NORCALREI) - http://www.norcalreia.com/
The Short Sale Processor and Nick Manfredi - http://www.theshortsaleprocessor.com/
Investors Resource Center of America Los Angeles Chapter (IRCA)- http://www.irca-losangeles.com/
The Naked Real Estate Investor Club - Rosie Nieto - http://www.nakedrealestateinvestorsclub.com/
Real Wealth Investor - http://realwealthonline.com/
Northern San Diego Real Estate Investors - http://www.nsdrei.org/
National Club of Real Estate Investors - http://www.ncrei.com/
Virtual Real Estate Tour and Layla Tusko - http://1wealthcreation.com/
Real Estate Investors Club of Los Angeles and Phyllis Rockower - http://www.realestateclubla.com/