How To Get An Keep A Good Credit Score
Many people do not know what their credit score is, or care whether it is good or bad. It is only when they apply for a real estate loan that they realize there could be a problem. Even people with a good score can have a turn of fate that sees it drop drastically.
A bad credit score can sometimes be a result of pure bad luck. Accidents or ill health can prevent people from being able to work. And, downsizing resulting in layoffs can result in unexpected unemployment. When this happens, even the best money manager will struggle to be able to pay all their debts in full. Even if a bad score is the result of bad money management, there are ways to turn your situation around for the better.
You need to make the minimum payment each month on all your debts to begin improving your credit score. To do this requires an understanding of how your total debt is made up. Break it down into lender and type of debt. Then find out what the terms and conditions are, how much you owe and the interest rate applicable. Put aside the money to meet the minimum repayments before you pay for anything else.
Often a lender will be willing to negotiate an interest rate and put in place a repayment plan. They will only do this though if you take the initiative to call them and discuss your situation. Do not be intimidated, the worst that can happen is they deny your request. But if you do get a better rate it will mean you have less debt to pay overall. And, you will be in a position to pay off your loans more quickly.
Perhaps the most powerful thing you can do is to review your spending habits. Look for ways to cut back, particularly on non-essential items. Even small savings can be used to pay down debt. Paying whatever you can when you have the money can result in major savings. Especially on loans that have a daily interest rate calculated. Of course, you should also start with loans that have the highest interest rate.
Applying for a new credit card when all your cards are at their maximum limit is not a good idea. Closing cards you have paid off is also not a good idea. Closing accounts may remove the temptation to spend, however, having some accounts that are managed well works better to fix your credit score. The trick is to spend small amounts on your clear cards each month and pay them off in full.
You can access to your credit report for free once every six months from one of the online credit reporting sites. Use this to see what your current score is and then set targets to improve it within a reasonable time span. Checking how you are going every six months will help you to stay focused and determined to succeed.
Most people realize they need to improve their credit score when they want to get a loan for something that is important to them. Although it is disappointing to be denied an application, this can help to keep the focus on fixing that score. It is not hard to do when you put your mind to it.