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Posted over 6 years ago

​5 Tips to be a Successful Real Estate Investor

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I’m sure you have heard all about this type of blog posts, and most of them contain the exact same words, with vague strategies that will work for you, but we are going to tell you what do you need to do exactly to be successful, and how to never be comfortable with just that word and work to continue growing! This way you will be able to have a good mindset to go forward with business, and accomplish all of your goals, keep setting new goals and keep crushing them over and over again! It’s the best cycle to have!

Number 1: Get along with the right people!

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This might not come as a surprise, but a big part of investing in Real Estate comes through networking, from finding the properties to finding the buyers, to closing the deals, all of it comes through networking and knowing the right kind of people, why? Because working with the right peeps gives you a better opportunity at success, and remember energy bounces, so if these people have the right energy and mindset, similar to yours you will be more likely to find success working with them!

This fantastic blog post talks about why is networking the key to success on Real Estate as an investor, so do check it out and apply it in your life! Read it here!

Number 2: Exercise your mind, your body and your goals!

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Yes, stress is a common theme on us adults, but you must have a way for it to not have a long-lasting effect on your work and goals, so the idea of exercising your mind, is to keep on educating yourself, go and keep up with the trends on the market, keep up with the way the competition is running, and most importantly, keep up with ways to grow, you might never know what new secret type of investment could work for you! The second part of it is pretty straightforward, take time for yourself, by yourself and with yourself! Exercise is not everyone’s cup of tea, obviously, but maybe walking, running, going to a gym, doing some yoga, whatever the case might be for you, give yourself a time to relax, reprogram and start fresh again! Now, exercising your goals, that means always keep putting more and more after you achieve one! The idea of having goals is for you to accomplish them, so once you do make em bigger, harder and more fun to achieve!

In this blog post, you can see a ton of information about how to keep yourself educated, and it will help you a lot when it comes to working on exercising your mind! Check it here!

Number 3: Organize yourself!

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Mess can accumulate quite quickly if you don’t take care of it and organize yourself! It can a tad difficult at the beginning, but having an organized and planned life can be so much better and easier as you go along, it will make things easier and easier, bringing you to the place where you consider yourself successful quicker! So, have a journal, and dot down your plans for different days, as well as work with a digital calendar, so you know exactly what your schedule is for each day!

Here’s a great way to start your planning, check out this amazing blog post all about it and bring in paper and a pen, start planning today! Check it right here!

Number 4: Learn the beauty of back up plans!

Yeah, it’s good to have a plan, but what if that plan fails? Do you have any idea of what to do in that case? Well have as many back up plans as possible, obviously it’s something you will learn during your Real Estate training in class, but besides legal back up plans, exit strategies and more, having an overall backup plan for your every single strategy you have can give you the right trial and error framework to know exactly what works for you, so do not think that because plan A fails, you have failed, you haven’t! Things like that happen on every single business, it’s your ability to move onto a different plan what will make you a more successful Real Estate Investor!

Seeing other people’s story of success can encourage you to change the lookout you have on failure, so check out this amazing video all about how to become a successful Real Estate Investor!

Number 5: Marketing is your friend, not a chore!

I know sometimes it feels like a chore to keep your social media pages updated, but trust me, you will be so much better doing so, because while networking helps you get buyers, so does social media, of course, not in the way you expect it could, it’s going to be really hard for you to close a deal on social, it happens, but it’s not the norm, but in what ways can social media help your business and make it your friend? Brand awareness! You have to be where your potential buyers are, so social media helps you grow your presence on many different platforms, and those potential buyers will get familiar with you, your brand and your way of working, this will set a faster pace for your success!

This is all we have for you, now if you are looking to be a successful Real Estate investor as passively as possible, we have a blog post about Syndications right here that gives you just the right amount of information for you to start looking into it and search for a syndicator to work with! If you are in South Florida, you can give us a call! 
