Military Investors Wanted!
Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening!
I am active duty military, and realize that unfortunately many of our brothers/sisters in arms are uneducated in the world of investing and financial independence. Not only does this stop them from living life to their full potential, but we have all seen this ruin a career. Debt can ruin a career by stopping a service member from fulfilling key roles (such as recruiter, drill-instructor, Commissioning), but it can also lead to unnecessary stress, anxiety, and depression!
All of these outcomes are disheartening, and losing qualified members of the Department of Defense to avoidable issues is unacceptable! For this reason I have started a blog with the goal of imparting the financial information I am learning to these young (or old) service members.
If you are an investor currently in the military, a veteran, or anybody with some insight on this population I would love to link up with you and hear your thoughts on how we can better assist these men and women in attaining financial freedom, and focusing their main efforts on defending our great nation!
(I posted the "about" section of my blog below)
Who I am
I'm an active duty Marine, and have been for 10 years. I am a transportation and logistics specialist, and have spent time as a recruiter for the military as well. Throughout my tenure I have gotten to travel all over the world, face adversity, and learn from many cultures! I enjoy hiking, investing, and spending time with my family!
Why I do this
I wasted the majority of my first two enlistments, financially. I spent money on tattoos, cars, guns, dates, and anything else "cool." I wish the military, or somebody, had told me about investing in real estate, the stock market, and myself at a younger age. Now my wife and I own a real estate investing company, Equity in several companies, and have almost replaced our income with passive income. I've taught several courses, and want to give back to the community by imparting the knowledge that I have come across throughout the past few years.
What I can do for you
We are here to impart the knowledge that we have learned about successfully investing our time and money. Our hope is that this information will be enough to get you off the couch and learning how to save, invest, and multiply the money that you are earning. With this information we can all retire young, and retire forever!
Comments (1)
I love this post and definitely have started my own initiative at my commands sharing this exact information. I am Navy, I’ve been in for just under 10 years and I’ve been working tirelessly to educate anyone I run across on how the military is set up for real Estate success.
Akeem Richardson, almost 5 years ago