Investing Long Distance
If investing has been going successfully for you and you think it may be time to branch out and expand your area you may be considering long distance investing. This can be a great way to find amazing deals and work in several markets to increase your passive income.
Pros to long distance. More inventory available, so if one area is low on inventory you can search in new locations or others that are thriving. Variety of markets - you can search around and find the absolute best deals in many areas instead of being stuck one place.
Cons to long distance. More risk - if you cannot be in the location it can be a risk to hire someone to handle the deal for you, and you will usually need a property management team to insure that your investments are handled properly.
Comments (1)
Thanks, April for the great post. What areas would you recommend for long distance investing?
Adam Rapoport, almost 7 years ago