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​Top Real Estate markets to invest in through 2020

Monday, November 27

Previously I wrote about how to identify emerging markets ( That information can be also used to identify emerging neighborhoods in the market that you are in. With that information I have come up with some of my fa...

Creating your clear Vision

Wednesday, November 15

I have been reading the E-Myth lately and have thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a must read book for anyone that wants to operate a successful business. Too often people start businesses because they are good at something. They are good at cooking, baking, construction, etc. They see the owner of the...

Making Real Estate your business! Why others fail

Tuesday, October 10

Making Real Estate Your BusinessWhat makes one business successful and the other business fail? It’s interesting that you can take 2 people that read the same books, go to the same seminars, listen to the same people and have the same markets and have two completely different results. What makes ...

Affordable Housing – where has it gone?

Wednesday, October 04

Where has the affordable housing gone? Most national apartment markets continue to add more units, both in single family and multi-family, speculating that there will be continued demand for the foreseeable future. Of the apartments and homes being added nearly all have been luxury style in the A...

How to Identify Emerging Markets

Thursday, September 28

I see a lot of posts on Biggerpockets asking what market is the best to invest in and a lot of people talking about investing in high cash flow markets like Kansas City, St Louis, Cleveland and Memphis to name a few. Before you pick a market based soley on cash flow, look at city and what is goin...

Little to no money down in a hot market?

Tuesday, September 19

First off, I have to say that I love and the content that it brings. This is a fabulous resource with mostly awesome people on the forums!I was recently on a blog site reading a post by a guy bragging about his success in real estate and offering advice for others. When people t...