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Posted about 5 years ago

6 Features Apartment Owners Need To Have By 2025

6 Features Apartment Owners Need To Have By 2025

The world we live in is changing fast. Apartment owners are wise to keep their buildings affordable and financially sustainable. To avoid becoming outdated fast, there are some new features that are quickly becoming must-haves. Make sure these are on your list of value-add improvements over the next few years.

1. Drone Drops

Google and Amazon have been delivering by drone for the last three years already. The number of commercial drones is expected to grow 4x in the next few years. Residents will be able to get everything from books to gifts to coffee and ice cream delivered by drone from big web sellers and local merchants. Apartment owners are going to need a clear and designated spot for these packages to be air dropped throughout the day.

2. Package Acceptance Lockers

For all the things that don’t come by drone, apartment owners will need package acceptance facilities. You don’t want to have to hire more humans to man your own in-house mail room. The liability is too large. The cost of labor and dedicating more leasable square feet for all of these online shopping packages are just a waste. There are locker solutions that can be bought or leased to solve this already.

3. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

By 2025 many countries and local authorities have set goals for banning the sale of gas vehicles and mandating the use of electric options for commercial fleets. So far even the greenest-minded renters have often been held back because it just hasn’t been practical. You’ll have a greener and cleaner community with these charging stations, and help everyone stay in compliance.

4. Resident Growing Areas

One of the hot features coming to market is resident gardens. Now they don’t even have to wait on the farmer’s market. Community or individual small plots for residents can help them eat well and stay healthy while doing a lot for the environment. These are very affordable to set up for operators. Rooftops can be one location, as well as replacing parking spaces which are no longer needed thanks to Uber.

5. Solar

New net zero mandates and rules demand that all new buildings and those undergoing substantial renovations must be run on solar in some areas. The more multifamily operators can get ahead of this, the better. It’s a great selling feature, can offer more long term profitability, and in some cases will be an additional revenue stream.

6. Rainwater Harvesting

While the buzz about the water crisis seems to have been drowned out, for now, it is our most precious resource, and the fight to control it is happening in the background. The more sustainable owners can make their buildings, the more stable they will be in producing returns as well.

Comments (2)

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