The 3 Most Common Mistakes Women Make In Real Estate Investing

As women, we use to think that we can do it all, that we need to have everything perfect, and that's ok. Those are qualities of our personality that help us be one step ahead of life’s everyday challenges. But, when it comes to investing, some of the things that most of the time work in our favor, may become mistakes that can cost us valuable time and money.
Here is a list of the 3 most common mistakes women make in real estate investing:
Mistake #1: We Wait For The"Perfect" Time To Start Investing
One of the most common mistakes I see women make before even start in real estate investing is waiting for the “perfect” time to begin. This is a HUGE mistake because as badass women who juggle 100 things at once, is unlikely that the universe will conspire in our favor to give us the perfect property with the perfect bank account balance at the perfect moment... and you waiting for the perfect time, instead of getting started and gaining that momentum is only you getting in the way of your own happiness.
We use perfection as an excuse to not start, when in reality we're just scared to begin. And it's okay to feel scared, but it's important that you face that fear and do it anyway.
Also surround yourself with a supportive community who knows how this works so they can support you, answer your questions, and cheer you on!
Mistake #2: We Try To Do This Alone.
Our culture has trained us to believe we have to be an expert at everything, and that DIY is the best way to go. But here’s the truth- you don’t know what you don’t know, and rookie mistakes can be very expensive.
Real estate investing is a team sport. Building a great team and reaching out for help can be the best thing to do for yourself to avoid mistakes other people have made (and save money!). I know for a fact that the REI Goddesses community is filled with incredible women who want to share their stories, tips, and lessons with you and can join your team. All you have to do is ask.
Last but not least…
Mistake #3: Not having the right support or education. This one is crucial.
I made this mistake in my beginnings and it cost a lot of money and avoidable errors that I could have fixed by simply taking the time I needed to educate myself on real estate investing. I thought I could do this alone and I started investing before I truly knew everything that has to be known about investing and the many strategies we can use to find the most success within it.
This is why I created Real Estate Investor Goddesses. I wanted to create a community of sisters that are joined together in their badassness. We are a group that will stand fiercely for each other’s hopes and dreams and we will hold you accountable to achieve what you set out to do.
If you try to do this on your own you could spend years turning your wheels and getting stuck, or worse… wasting money. Our group prevents you from getting there.
At Real Estate Investor Goddesses, we are a community of women for women. We’re focused on bringing pleasure and the divine feminine into your real estate journey. To learn more about who we are and what we do, click here and be part of our sisterhood of Goddesses on Facebook. We would love to connect with you.