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Posted almost 14 years ago

Warning: Potential SPAM Email Claiming to be from BiggerPockets

I just got the following email, and wanted to make everyone aware of it.  If you get this email, let us know . . . it is NOT from BiggerPockets!!! 

While I didn't open the zip file that came with it, I'm willing to bet there is some kind of virus in it.  DO NOT OPEN THIS FILE!!

I guess you've made it when scumbags start to spoof your company's email address to scam or otherwise hurt people . . . this is not something I'm happy about. 

Be careful!

- Josh


Comments (9)

  1. thanks a lot, Josh.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up Josh. I didn't receive that email , however if I ever do I will delete it immediately!

  3. Thanks for the heads up, JD!

  4. Joseph - Since the email is not originating from our servers and are spoofing our addresses, we actually can't do much here other than to warn our members to be aware.

  5. Mr. Dorkin; This is seriously a problem and your tech personnel could get the bad guy if members report to you. I have been lucky, thus far. Thanks for the hats up! To the bad person read this " The nobler sort of man emphasizes the good qualities in others, and does not accentuate the bad. The inferior does the reverse". -- Confucius (551-479 BC) Chinese Philosopher

  6. Congrats.. I consiter this an achievement!

  7. I don't usually even get this stuff. But as always, thanks for the warning.

  8. Same like Charles, thanks for the warning.

  9. I ignore these kinds of emails because they almost always are phishing or spam. Generally business don't contact clients or customers in this way. Thanks for the warning.