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Posted over 15 years ago

Ok, You've Signed Up for Now What?

You're a member of the premier real estate social network . . . now what?

Here are some tips for getting started here on BiggerPockets:


  • Fill in your profile - If you're here to network, make deals, or market yourself or your business,  people are going to want to know more about you. We've got four main sections on our profiles where you can tell others who you are and what you're here for: About Me (general info about you), Real Estate Experience (your real estate background), Real Estate Goals (your goals), and Currently Seeking (what you're looking for. eg. partners, money, clients, etc.).  Adding your location and occupation will allow us to bring you the most appropriate services, and like everything else, help others find you.  You can also add information about your company, your contact info, other social networking profiles you want to share and more.  The more complete your profile, the easier it will be for people to find you!

  • Upload a personal image / avatar - As you navigate the site, post comments, write articles, blog posts, or forum posts, your personal image will travel with you.  By uploading a personal image, people will start to recognize you and get to know you better.  You'll start to stand out more than those people using the generic avatar.  Additionally, only members with a personal avatar appear on our Networking page. Please note that we DO NOT allow members to use company logos or any other form of advertising in their personal avatar.  We've created a company directory so members can get exposure for their businesses.

  • Introduce yourself to the community in our New Member Introductions forum - There's no better way to start letting people know that you've arrived to our site then to introduce yourself.  Let people know where you're from, a little about your background, your goals, and some interesting things about yourself.  Please do not use this as an opportunity to sell your product, services, or deals.  We've got other areas for that. 

Congratulations! You've Arrived!

Now that you've got your profile together, you've introduced yourself, and you've uploaded a personal image, its time to start exploring the site.  BiggerPockets is a very comprehensive site with tons of free information, tools, resources, etc.

- Read articles on our forum, article directory, official blog, member blogs

- Find properties and deals in our property directory and dealmaking forums

- Network with others through our groups, networking page, and on our forums

- Keep up with the latest real estate news on our bulletins

- Learn about real estate companies and businesses in our company directory

- And much more!  Get out there explore, and start getting involved!

Comments (65)

  1. Thank you for the tip. It is very useful. I still try to figure out my way aroundthis site.

  2. Hi all! A few  clients told me about this site, so I thought I would check it out. Still learning the lay of the land. 

  3. @Angie Toerner

    You can post in the new member intro here

  4. how do i actually post in the intro area?

  5. Hey BP Community, 

    Came across this site in my research into real estate and getting started in it! This site is amazing, so full of information and so helpful to people at different stages of experience! Thanks so much for having me, keep up the amazing job! :) 

  6. Hi everyone, 

    Just found BiggerPockets recently and so far this site rocks! I am just outside Nashville and looking to find some properties to buy and rent or buy and flip preferably ones with owner financing available because  I am also co owner of a highly rated handyman service, I am self employed so no w-2s for lenders to review. I could really work magic with a good fixer upper or handyman special so to speak. Nashville TN area or Cookeville TN please. 

  7. This site is gold , and I love the podcasts and education / guides !

  8. newbie. First time and really is enjoying all the knowledge that i have come across.. I thank you guyd for this site. I almost was a victim to a guru but did my research and came across this site. Did a stop payment on my check and signed up here. Fill more confident and comfortable now. 

  9. Newbie in every sense of the word....

    I joined today and after doing some browsing I am looking forward to gaining knowledge of all things concerning real estate.

  10. Thank you Josh!  

    I just upgraded to pro today.

    Can not wait to use the site to the fullest.


  11. Hi, looking forward to obtaining information and education to grow my

    Real Estate business. This site looks great and I am sure I will gain 

    a lot of information for Real Estate investing, once I get familiar with

    the site.

  12. hey everyone first time on the post ,just want to say thank you to everyone that provides all the information on bigger pockets and all others that help with the advice from past/ present history in the real estate game. so much to read and get informed on ..... great site and great information.

  13. Thanks Joshua!

  14. @Joshua Dorkin mentor lives a few cities away from me in another part of L.A. County, but I can't add him to my network since he doesn't share my zip code and I'm not a plus or pro member. Is there any way he could be part of my network since I actually know him personally? Also, is there any way to add people to our network from other cities and states if we know them personally outside of BP? Or could we only do that as a plus or pro member? I'm just trying to understand how to effectively network on BP for least for now. Thanks!

  15. Thanks for the quick tips on getting started!!!!!!!!

  16. Thanks to you all. I notice that the last post to this discussion was 11 months ago. I just want to add my note. This site is AWESOME. Lots of info and great opportunities to help and be helped by others. A newbie like me needs a venue like this to vent and pick up tips from the more experienced investors. So thanks everyone for participating. I look forward to posting more in the future. 

    1. Thanks for the feedback, @Thomas Usher .  Jump in and enjoy.

  17. I have a feeling this site is going to be very helpful with my new business, but it is very overwhelming how much information there is on here. My first goal is to locate some cash buyers, not sure if that is one of the many things this site can provide. I know networking is critical.

    1. Sandy - The site can help you with absolutely every need you've got. That said, I strongly encourage you to take some time to read the site and to listen to our podcast. I'd start with our <a href="">Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing</a> . . .

      1. The podcast is essential! It DESERVES its place amongst the bullet points.

        I just joined a few days ago, and the podcasts are on point.

  18. What a fantastic resource. If you can't find it here all you have to do is ask and someone will have an answer. It's like the entire site is a free mentor. Thank you for the getting started pointers. Now on to step two.

    1. That's what we're here for, Michael! Please jump in and get involved.

  19. Hi Josh, I am in the process of getting my team together. I look forward to looking at the marketing section. I'm sure I will be looking through your articles and maybe write about the process I am going through to become a Real Estate Investor.

    1. Shirley Tarter - I hope you'll jump in and share your experiences. Additionally, be sure to jump in on the forums with feedback for other users when you have an opportunity. If we all help one another, we can all rise up!

  20. Thanks! I wish, I have looked at this website before I spent thousands of dollars in courses. All the information that I have paid for if given freely here. Now, navigating the website is a little overwhelming.

    1. Tere - Don't let the site intimidate you. We're very inviting here! Just jump in with any and all questions you've got and we're here to help!

  21. Hello Josh so far the website looks amazing I'm new here and just looking for any information I can gain.

    1. Van - Jump in and let us know how we can help you be more successful!

  22. I love how its all laid out here. It makes is super simple for a new member do get up and going with a running start. This is going to be fun !

  23. Thanks for the info, I have been reading some articles, and I really enjoy the information.

    1. Glad to hear it, Scott Anthony! Keep reading and be sure to let us know how we can help you succeed by asking any questions you've got in our forums.

    2. ah, I think I answered my own question - was wondering about the @Scott Anthony and how that works.. seems like it's just a matter of typing @symbol & then name like Joshua Dorkin appears?

    3. Yes, John Chang, that is how its done, and when someone tags you like that, it sends you, or me, a notification! ;)

  24. Thanks Josh! What a great idea of sharing knowledge with others, I am a complete rookie and need a lot of education, always said to myself: search for the real people, you don't need to pay thousands to a guru to learn this business, already found myself hooked in this great community, you have an amazing wealth of people and knowledge. Can't be more graceful, I know that being part of this community I can be a successful real state investor

    1. Jose - Somehow I missed your message. I'm glad you found the site . . . be sure to check out our <a href="">Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing</a>. It'll help you get the ball moving with your real estate adventures.

  25. Looks like a great forum, and I am glad that I have found it. I have experienced a little bit of a hiccup getting my profile picture in place. When I go to Edit profile, and click on profile pic it says thanks for uploading a profile picture and it should post in a few minutes. That was yesterday, and I get the same message today. Funny thing is I never uploaded a profile pic. How do I reset the field so that I can upload a profile picture? Pretty sure this is kinda in the right place! Thanks, Stephen Chatto

    1. Stephen - Thanks for the message. Try uploading the profile pic again now.

  26. thanks

  27. Thanks for the quick tips on getting started Josh. Saves loads of time...

  28. Glad to hear it Robert!

  29. Hi Josh, I am looking forward to putting all this information to use in my new business. I think it is great and I plan to upgrade. Robert Hines

  30. D'andre - Thank you. In social media, the key to being successful is being responsive. Get that intro up and make sure to respond to those people who connect. Do the same elsewhere on the site and in other social media and you'll be FAR ahead of most other people.

  31. Josh you inspire me,replying to almost every post or comment. Thanks P.S working on my introduction

  32. Thank you, Tommy! Jump in, introduce yourself on our forums, and get active.

  33. Hi Josh, Recently joined and I'm already impressed with the boat loads of information that you have put together. Endless resource of networking. Thanks

  34. Thanks for the comment, Angie! I look forward to having you on the site.

  35. Hi Josh! I just joined today so I will follow your suggestion on this post for beginners. Looking forward to it! Angie in The Roads

  36. Thanks Steven! Spread the word.

  37. Great site. I'm happy to have found another resource for networking. Looking forward to tons of useful information. Thanks!

  38. No problem, Kathy! Enjoy.

  39. I goofed too! Been reading all kinds of articles, blogs, forums, etc. but couldn't figure out how to interact. Then duh......I found the rules!!!! Thanks for building such an integrated site Josh.

  40. Rene - If you want tips on the site, just go through this blog and you'll learn a lot.

  41. Its a shame I have been here almost a week and just now came across this post. I was so busy reading articles. Thanks!

  42. Not a problem.

  43. I did read the rules. Just wasn't sure which forums I could post on. However, I figured it out just after I left my message. Sorry for wasting your time. But thanks for the quick response - good to know:)

  44. Jeannine - If you check the forum rules, you'll note that our advertising and dealmaking forums have minimum post requirements. The reason for these is so people engage and give back the community before they start taking from it and marketing. You can post on any of our non-Dealmaking or non-Marketplace forums; OR you can bypass our requirements by upgrading your account to PRO. I hope that helps.

  45. So I introduced myself. 2 places I wanted to post 1 said i needed 5 posts to post there another said i needed 10 to post in that forum. what forums can i go to and post to be able to post in the forums i wanted to post in?

  46. Don - That's great news! Keep up the good work. Wanda - Please post your questions in the LANDLORD forums; that said, follow the letter of the local law and your lease, and you should be good to go. Again, post in the forums and you'll get a ton of feedback.

  47. I was posting a comment, but it suddenly cut out on me. I guess I was saying too much. I need to know how to evict a tenant when I cannot contact them. They won't pick up my certified letters, nor return my phone calls. I drove over there yesterday and caught them pulling out as I was pulling in. I beeped my horn and held up my hands for them to stop, but they just drove right past me, facing me. They have four little kids, and I feel terrible evicting them, but we have no choice. We have to pay the mortgage, with or without rent. Plus their delinquent water bills and two months unpaid rent. Comments?

  48. I have been addicted for the last 4 months. I continually find something new on the site. And just last month I sold a property to someone who found my ad under properties on bigger pockets. Thanks

  49. Thanks for the feedback guys! Jump on in and make things happen for yourselves!

  50. Thanks Josh! This site is "Golden"

  51. Yes, I agree with Josh. Nice Website!!! It's very active. I like that.

  52. Dang Josh! You've put together quite an amazing website! I'll try to participate as much as I can.

  53. This is very good for a new commer to introduce them selves to the enitre member data base, need to educate us how to use this site for more effectively with a search options.