Want to do More Business On BiggerPockets? Make Sure You Use A Profile Picture!
Trust. Confidence. Experience.
These are all words that we want people to apply to us. Not only do we want it, but it is immensely important when trying to build a business that people feel this way about you or your company.
There is a very simple way to start down the path of getting all of this right here on BiggerPockets . . . change your profile pic from the default image to a personal one. You'll make more relationships, you'll likely do more business, and you'll definitely get more trust than you'd get by keeping our default pic.
Check out this info that TechCrunch shared about profiles on Twitter with and without profile pics (be sure to check out the chart on TC for emphasis):
Marketing software maker HubSpot has analyzed close to 9 million Twitter profiles based on data collected through its Twitter Grader tool, and has come to the conclusion that accounts with a profile picture average about 10 times more followers than those without.
That on itself is not so surprising; a Twitter profile associated with the default avatar generally screams ‘newbie’, which is generally an incentive not to follow someone unless you know that person in real life or on other social networks. There’s a good reason why spammers who create fake Twitter accounts tend to include pictures in profiles – it’s human nature to instantly trust personalized online accounts more than generic ones.
The same can be applied here on BP . . .
What are you waiting for? Update your profile pic today!