Sunday's Mass of Group Notification Emails: Explanation and Apology
Hey Everyone -
I just realized the error of my ways and am writing to apologize.
We had to reboot the BiggerPockets server almost a week ago, but in doing so, I forgot to turn our group mailer back on. For some reason, in the middle of the night yesterday, I realized this and turned the mailer on. Unfortunately, I didn't clear the mail queue before doing so and as a result, many of you who are members of groups got a deluge of group main notifications.
I'm very sorry.
I will make certain that I add a note to do the clear before the mailer is turned on in the future so as to not inconvenience everyone like this going forward.
Again, my apologies.
Comments (2)
Josh, no problem with this but I don´t receive any new notifications since two days now.. -Uwe
Uwe S., over 14 years ago
Yeah..I noticed that. When I went to the groups there weren't any new comments so I suspected something was up. It wasn't a biggy though compared with the deluge of mail I get from everyone on planet earth every day ;-)
Bryan Hancock, over 14 years ago