Socializing BiggerPockets: Followers, Following, Feeds, and Apologies
First . . . my apologies
It seems that when we pushed out the changes that I'll be covering below, we also flushed out our mail queue. It appears that over the course of the past month and a half, some notification messages didn't get sent out. The system decided to send out duplicate notifications for these messages all at once as we forced all these emails out. Many of you got several duplicate messages from BiggerPockets. I just want to profusely apologize for the inconvenience it may have caused to you. We believe we've fixed the problem, and do not anticipate this happening again.
Enough of that . . . on to the Cool Updates!
New to BiggerPockets -- Followers
As social media has progressed the use of followers on the major social sites has taken hold. We saw a need to add the ability to have one way "followerships" in addition to having "mutual colleagues," as members told us about their desire to keep tabs on others without needing to be actual "colleagues." We thought this was a great idea!
Here are a list of the changes that have come to the site as a result:
- As I already mentioned, in addition to colleagues, users can now simply follow other users and can be followed as well.
- If you don't want someone to follow you, you can block them by selecting the red icon in your followers page.
- Followers can see all your public "actions" in their "Activity Feed" (was friend feed) in the dashboard, including things like blog posts, property listings, articles, comments, press releases, groups you've joined, bulletins you've posted on, and so on.
- When you follow someone, you can also elect to send them a "colleague request" with a private message in the follower request. These "new requests" messages are now viewable in your colleague request page in the dashboard.
- If you follow someone and they follow you back, regardless of whether you send the actual "colleague request," you will become mutual colleagues. Colleagues will not show up as followers or people you're following, but will appear in your colleague tally.
- Followers, following, and colleagues now show on the left side of the dashboard. You can also see these in the Networking dropdown in the grey toolbar in the dashboard.
- You can now see someone's followers or who they are following, in addition to their colleagues on their profile. (you can still block this through your privacy options)
- We've set limits on the number of people you can follow.
- The people listed on your followers and following pages are listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top of the first page. Your newest followers and those people you follow will appear first.
Some Other Cool Upgrades
- The forum feed in the dashboard now shows posts from groups that you're a member of. This should keep users better informed of action in the groups they are a part of, and should serve to awaken these groups a bit!
- Additionally, the forum feed in the dashboard now has a "more" link at the bottom of it that allows you to see more than just one page of new posts. You can see a histoy of recent posts from the past day and beyond if you desire.
I'll be adding some images to this post to help illustrate everything . . . I just wanted to get it out so everyone could get an idea of what's new! Check back soon.
Feel free to leave any questions or comments below.
Comments (32)
Kenneth - When you're colleagues, you're following them. Same thing. We've added the ability to "follow" someone, meaning they can see when you post to a blog, post an article, post a property, or post a bulletin. You don't, however, have the ability to send a PM to someone you're following unless it is mutual. You can still see what others are posting -- this just makes it easier. When someone follows you, you are notified, and have the ability to block them.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
So the options are follow someone (stalk them) but don't ask to be colleagues. Do folks knnow that you are following them?Follow someone and ask to be colleagues. There is no option however to just ask someone to be a colleague. Was there some psychological thing that bothered someone about becoming a colleague thus bringing about the change?
Kenneth Johnson, almost 15 years ago
Mark - All you need to do is click the FOLLOW Button (used to be the add colleague button), and upon doing so, you can submit a colleague request. You shouldn't be getting a white page when doing it . . . perhaps you clicked the link at a time when we were having a problem?
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Josh - I think I'm confused too! I'm not into the whole following/followers/need to be followed thing. For a simpleton like myself, how can I simply do the old fashion collegue requests? Also, when exploring around trying to figure out how to just be a collegue with someone, I've discovered that the page is being displayed as blank when I attempt to follow someone. I'm using IE7, for what it's worth.
Mark Yuschak, almost 15 years ago
James - I'm glad you love the site! We already incorporate Facebook's API and will be adding Twitter support soon. From there, we'll look at Buzz . . . no promises, though.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Luv the site, great work on the improvements. Excited about the future of the site. Any chance to incorporate Twit, G Buzz, or others? Would enjoy the opportunity to use one app to post in all or most social sites. I use Hootsuite currently, and would give it up if you can do some or all here.
James Blakeley, almost 15 years ago
Munira - Colleagues have ALWAYS been able to follow your activities on the site. As for the forums, there is a reply button at the bottom of every threaded conversation. Finally - I'm glad to hear you LOVE the site. Please just spread the word and participate. Invite your friends and colleagues to sign up, and remain active -- not only does it help us, but it will help you increase your visibility and networking opportunities.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
sorry... in all sincerity, i did want to also point out that i LOVE this site. everyone has been a great help as well as all the posted topics have been a fount of information. thank you so much for the time and effort you have put in to keeping this going :)
Account Closed, almost 15 years ago
is there a way that we can add colleagues exclusive of following them? i dont particularly want to get updates on everyone that i am forced to follow. some i would like to just follow and some i would like to just be colleagues with. also, can the forum 'reply' field be moved to the bottom of the page. it would seem to be more efficient to have that located at the end in regards to the last replied-to post rather than having to scroll back to the top of the page.
Account Closed, almost 15 years ago
Nick - You are still "following" one another, but mutually. As such you're now "colleagues." You asked if it is an extra step, and the answer is yes and no. Some people may simply want to follow you . . . those people will choose not to send a "colleague request" message with their follow request. These folks, by following you, are indicating that they are simply interested in "watching" you as you participate here . . . you're more than welcome to follow these people back, at which time you'll become "mutual colleagues." If you choose not to, then you don't have to. Either way, if two people follow one another, they become "mutual colleagues;" it doesn't matter if that happens via colleague request, or if you decide, after being followed by someone, that you want to follow them back. We're actually debating semantics right now back at BP HQ -- the big question is should people still show up as following/followers, EVEN after they are mutual colleagues, or should everything remain exclusive.... I'm open to everyone's opinions on this one.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
ok, I thought I understood this before but now I think I'm confusing myself. When someone follows me, and then I follow them back, we're instantly colleagues but no longer following each other the same way the following/followers option was intended? Isn't this just an extra step into becoming colleagues with someone?
Nick J., almost 15 years ago
Great job Josh
Trevi Edwards, almost 15 years ago
Thanks, Joe.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Great advancements, Josh. You have a great group here.
jf.sellsius, almost 15 years ago
Thanks Shae, James, Joseph and Brian!
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Terrific, Josh. Awards must be coming in 2010 for Best REI USEFUL blog.
Brian Gibbons, almost 15 years ago
Great work Josh! That's why this site will be on the cutting edge of REI social media for a long time to come.
Joseph Ziolkowski, almost 15 years ago
Pretty cool stuff!
James Ward, almost 15 years ago
Peter Giardini, almost 15 years ago
Thanks Eric and Pete. BTW - It looks like some members aren't seeing all the most recent posts in their forum feed. We'll tackle this tomorrow.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Awesome, awesome work Josh! These are excellent changes and just more proof that is the best real estate community out there!
Shae Bynes, almost 15 years ago
Great Job Josh... really great website!
Eric Blow, almost 15 years ago
We just got a request from a user to make it optional to show group posts in the dashboard. We will add this ability in the settings in the next few days.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Josh... great stuff... thanx for the vision and hard work you and your team put into this site. Pete
Peter Giardini, almost 15 years ago
I'm glad you guys are digging the changes. @Ray - Yeah . . . sorry about the upchuck. @Jaden - Thanks for the understanding!
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Thankfully, Gmail files all messages under threads, so it only looks like one big message to me! no problems Josh! I'm pretty good at ignoring/deleting unecessary emails by now anyway. -Jaden
Jaden Ghylin, almost 15 years ago
Holy Inbox Batman!! I see what you mean now Josh. I thought I became popular for a second, but it was just the BP server throwing up in my inbox!
Ray Keziah, almost 15 years ago
At first thought, I became parayzed and now I understand what that new area in my page means = great idea , Josh! - "When you follow someone, you can also elect to send them a "colleague request" with a private message in the follower request" - that is GREAT, because also some members don't review their page./ thanks again
Joseph R., almost 15 years ago
Very cool!
Timothy W., almost 15 years ago
Thanks Danielle and Ray! Today was a rough one . . . I appreciate all the support.
Joshua Dorkin, almost 15 years ago
Way to keep up with technology Josh!
Ray Keziah, almost 15 years ago
Another great site enhancement Josh!
Danielle C., almost 15 years ago