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Posted almost 15 years ago

Missed the BiggerPockets Blog? You're Missing Out!

biggerpockets blogOne of the features about BiggerPockets that I'm most proud of is our official blog, Real Estate Dispatch.  Those of you who are regular readers know that we've got top notch talent, writing phenominal articles daily for real estate investors, professionals, homeowners, and others interested in the world of real estate.  Over the past few weeks, we've brought on some great new talent with diverse backgrounds and expertise;  the team is currently at 16 contributors, and we've published over 1,350 articles so far!


If you haven't had the chance to check out the blog, it is regularly mentioned as one of the tops in real estate.  In addition, our articles are syndicated by such sources as Reuters, Google News, the Palm Beach Post, and many others.

Looking to Grow Even More!

There are a few things we're looking for to help get our blog to where we need to be, and we're asking all of our members for your help!

1 - When you read an article that you like, dislike, agree with, have questions about, etc. please leave your feedback in the comments.  Our contributors thrive on the feedback of their peers, and by engaging with them, you help them better understand their audience.

2 - When you read an article that you like/love, help us promote it by sharing it with your friends and others online.  There are a few great ways to do that.  Using Email, posting to social networks like Twitter, Facebook, etc, or sharing through social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Tipd, etc.  All of our posts have a SHARE THIS link at the bottom, which will allow you to easily post to any of these services.

3 - New contributors.  Read below for more . . .

We're in need of contributors in the following areas:

1 - Lending and Mortgages – are you a traditional, commercial, or hard money lender? We're looking for folks in the lending business who can write about lending, rates, loans, etc.

2 - Real Estate News – we are looking for people who are enthusiastic about news involving real estate, housing, the economy, etc. If you love the news and want to write about what is happening, let us know.

3 - Real Estate Technology – we're looking for contributors who love real estate and technology.  If you're able to talk intelligably about tech tools, websites, etc., we want to talk to you.

 This is a great opportunity to get yourself seen by a vast audience, and to be part of something incredible - it is also a great way to build up your reputation.  If you want to join the team, contact us here.


Comments (10)

  1. Shoot me an email, Joey and we'll talk.

  2. Josh, I most definitely would love to begin contributing to the RE investment news. About mortgages and lending: are seeking the highlights of traditional lending, private or both? Best, Joey

  3. Peter and Lillian - Please do get in touch with an email to josh [a][t], along with anyone else and we'll discuss. Please shoot me links to some of your writing as well. That goes for anyone interested . . . just send me an email and we'll go from there. Thanks, Josh

  4. Joshua, I would be interested in contributing, in the area of real estate technology, a combination of tools and interesting news concerning real estate, is something that most investors should be up to date on.

  5. Joshua, We exchanged emails last week and I sent you a couple of recent blog articles. I don't know if you have had a chance to look at them. Also, I am an RE news junkie and would have not problem and would welcome the opportunity to wirte a weekly article regarding national RE news.

  6. Thanks Will and James for the interest. Anyone interested in writing, check out the "Rules" part of this page: <a href="">write for us</a>. Get in touch after having a look. We're absolutely interested in having people to guest blog for us from time to time, but we're really focused on finding committed contributors who will write for us weekly. If that works . . . you know where to find me!

  7. If you ever need so info on Short Sales, I will be more than happy to provide some content. I will also make it a point to start sharing the links. I really do enjoy reading all the great info. Thanks

  8. I too woudl be happy to write for your dispatch. As you already know, my own blog has a ton of info on REO and rehab investing, buy and hold, and much more. When do I start?

  9. Short sales is another topic I'd be happy to have included on the blog if you are interested, Nick. Think you could keep up with a regular weekly regimen of articles?

  10. I don't fit in any of those 3 categories. I will share the links though