We've taken the politics out of Real Estate
One of the places that our members like to spend their time is on our Off-Topic and Political Talk forums. That said, these forums can often-times be a distraction and a time-killer.
Recently, one of our members suggested that we remove these forums from the forum feed found in your dashboard. We agreed that it would be a good idea to give our members the option to ignore these distractive, and sometimes controversial subject areas while navigating their dashboard.
Members Can Now Ignore Several Forum Areas from their Dashboard
We've made some changes in our dashboard which will allow members, by default, to ignore the Off-Topic, Political Talk, and all Marketplace forum topics. You don't have to do ANYTHING if you want to continue to ignore these areas while looking at your dashboard forum feed.
If you want to see these areas once again, just go to your DASHBOARD and click on the Settings and Password link. Then, just click on the Dashboard tab (see above image) and you'll be able to choose which of these areas you once again want to see in your dashboard forum feed.
We appreciate all member suggestions for improving the site, and do everything in our power to make BiggerPockets a place where our members come first.
Thanks again, and don't forget to invite your friends, colleagues, and associates to join you here on BP!
Comments (1)
But politics will always be a part of RE as long as government regulates business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol
Jim Wineinger, about 15 years ago