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Posted over 15 years ago

Group Ordering & Forum Search by Member Added

We've made a few improvements to the site today.  Most of these are for administrative purposes, but the notable changes that you'll notice include:

  •  Groups Home Page is Now Sortable -Our Groups page is currently sorted by the most recently updated group.  To help members better navigate the groups, we've added two new sorting options: Most Popular Groups and Alphabetical List of Groups.
  • Forums Posts are now Searchable by Poster - Several members made suggestions to improve the forum search options on the site and we've obliged.  Now, in our Advanced Forum Search, members can search for forum posts by keyword and author.  The advanced search link can be found at the top left of all forum pages (next to the forum rules), and gives much more sophisticated search options than the basic forum search.
Thanks again to all of you who continue to share your suggestions with us.  We've got several more that we'll be implementing in the next few days, which we'll be announcing here.

Comments (1)

  1. I didn't ever see the advanced forum search anywhere...Thanks for sharing! I have wanted to search for some of my student's posts in the past and didn't know how to do so until now.