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Taylor Moore
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Absentee Homeowner List

Taylor Moore
Posted Apr 24 2019, 21:28

I am looking to obtain an Absentee Homeowner List. Any recommendations? A number of people recommend Listsource, any additional recommendations?

Thank you!

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Jerryll Noorden
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Jerryll Noorden
Professional Services
#2 Wholesaling Contributor
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  • Wilton, CT
Replied Apr 25 2019, 06:37

Everyone sends out to absentee owners.

You should ask yourself WHY do you think absentee owners is the way to go? If you can not give yourself a solid answer why this is better than the divorce list, or foreclosure list... then you need to rethink your strategy.

Is it because you heard everyone say it? That is not the reason. My experience with absentee owners was pretty bad. 

Also, I think.. but I am not sure... the source of all these lists are the same. Listsource, listability,...

It is all one engine they are getting it all from. No one is going to bother to enter demographics data twice. I don't know man.... 

when it comes to marketing you NEED to be original AND creative. Sometimes you have no choice to use lists because you don't have money for ads or you don't rank #1 on line.. I get it...

But then you need to come up with some seriously amazing marketing idea.. be it mailer piece, or.. well anything different from the norm that will draw attention.

But if you are just going to follow the herd, sent a yellow postcard with I want to $BUY$ your house...

seriously.. you are winging it. And that is a big .. don't do it.

I know I may not really have answered your question, but I hope you will heed my warning.

Good luck me matey. Arg

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May Emery
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May Emery
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Replied Apr 25 2019, 13:18

@Taylor Moore You should consider mailing to people who aren’t in every other investor’s sites. Absentee Owners have been popular for a long time, and are apparently still somewhat effective (people are still mailing to them) but they are getting multiple offers to buy their home. It's hard to stand out.

There are some owner-occupied segments with people who share motivating factors for selling their home.

Seniors with Long-time Ownership: often ready to downsize or transition to assistance.

Homeowners with Low Financial Stability Scores (FSS): Struggling financially and likely ready to cash in on their asset.

Both these categories have additional advantages in that they probably don’t haven’t been updated and may have deferred maintenance. They won’t be expecting the same money as their neighbors with the shiny new kitchen and fresh paint.

Rather than putting all your eggs in one basket, think about using 2-3 different lists. 

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Sean OToole
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Sean OToole
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Replied Apr 26 2019, 08:37

@Taylor Moore as @Jerryll Noorden mentioned it is one of the most common list types, and almost any source should be able to provide a decent list. The "engine" it comes from is the county assessors office. That said the county doesn't decide who is "absentee" and who isn't. Instead most list providers determine that based on the difference between the situs (property) address and the mailing address (where the tax bill is sent). Additionally many (but not all) will also take into account homeowner tax exemptions, which are legally only available to owner-occupants, in states where those apply. Note that neither is perfect - someone may live in the house but get their mail at a PO Box or their office. Someone may claim (unlawfully) the homeowner tax exemption and still rent the property. But like with ALL LISTS, the goal isn't to know the exact situation, it is to narrow down your target audience to those most likely to be interested in your specific offer. Absentee owners are a perfect list for property managers looking for new business, or investors looking for rentals with existing tenants. But as Jerryl mentioned, that criteria alone typically isn't a design of distress, so it - by itself - may not be the best place to look for discounted deals.