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Updated over 2 years ago, 05/29/2022
Operators Dashboard: Buy & Hold Rental Property & Property Mngmt
I've searched for over 4 years now and spent a lot of money and time w/out having solved this problem yet. I'd appreciate any recommendations from your own experience (if you are or have been an asset management and property manager).
I'm looking for financial/reporting software that gives an operators dashboard filled with KPI's, helpful optics, etc of my property management company and each investment property I asset manage. The property management software out there hasn't been sufficient on the accounting side (i.e. Yardi, etc), the financial software out there hasn't been sufficient on the industry specific side (quickbooks, xero, etc), the reporting software isn't industry specific enough and has me paying for way more features than I need like HR/inventory/etc (Jirav, Netsuite, CFO Scoreobard), and industry specific attempts like Stessa require software like quickbooks that it doesn't integrate with well yet.
I'm assuming a solution to my search has to be out there because what I do is common: 1) Own a property management company with 1-10 employees, and 2) I asset manage rental properties owned in separate partnership LLC's that I own with passive investors.
I would love a dashboard that shows me the the main optics I need to run my business that auto-populates from: P&L's, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow Statements, Occupancy reports, Property Management KPI's, key ROI types, IRR/XIRR.
Thank you for reading, and please only chime in if you have personal experience as a AM and/or PM.
PS- the image is just an example of a dashboard I grabbed off of google images. What I'm looking for doesn't need to be near as sexy/charty/colorful, even a well designed spreadsheet would probably suffice.