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Chris Diaz
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Is Flip Coach by Ryan Kuhlman Any Good?

Chris Diaz

New to real estate investing and am looking for a local mentor. I was turned off by the local REIA chapter and am seeing a lot of the "Guru" types on Instagram which is a hard pass for me. I ran into Ryan Kuhlman's program called "Flip Coach," and booked a call for next week. Does anyone here have any experience with The Flip Coach? I'm looking to get into wholesale but also eventually fix and flip. He has some good PR out there and was the National REIA Director when he was in the REIA space. Any feedback from current mentees would be appreciated.

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Joe S.
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Joe S.
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Quote from @Guy Gimenez:
Quote from @David Nolan:

Hey Chris, 

I am a student of Ryan Kuhlman's. I signed up for his Flip Coach program a few years ago. I first took a National Mentor program, Clever Investor, and it was horrible! They assigned some so called mentor to me out of Tampa. They were not even in my market. I spent a good amount of money and never got a single deal. It was a complete waste of my time. I came across The Flip Coach from a National REIA webinar when Ryan Kuhlman was President of NREIA. After speaking to Ryan and speaking to a couple of successful students of his, I joined his program. Best thing that ever happened to my Real Estate investing career!! The Flip Coach program has the A to Z of information, but more importantly Ryan really motivated me and made sure I understood the actionable steps I needed to take. He got me over my procrastination and fears! Now I do 15-20 Wholesale deals per year and last year did my first two fix and flips. I know a lot of people think they can watch YouTube videos, spend time with Real Estate professionals and network, and they can get started investing in Real Estate. But I know a lot of people who tried on their own like this and have failed and are still failing. I made back my investment in the Flip Coach program 10 times over! I highly suggest you check it out. Hope this helps.

HUGE. RED. FLAG.  If you give any credence to this type of response, you're in for a long painful real estate investing experience. 

Are you saying that you don’t think a person would create an account and write that good of review just to show the love of a course they paid for? 🤔

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Jay Hinrichs
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Jay Hinrichs
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Quote from @Ryan Kuhlman:
Quote from @Jay Hinrichs:
Quote from @Ryan Kuhlman:
Quote from @Jay Hinrichs:
Quote from @Ryan Kuhlman:

Hello Everyone,

So it was brought to my attention that this conversation was going on about me and my program. So I wanted to chime in. First, yes my account is brand new. I was on Bigger Pockets for years when I was President of BREIA but that account no longer exists. I was planning on coming back to Bigger Pockets now with my Flip Coach program. I guess now is the perfect time for me to come back. Yes, David Nolan is one of my students. His account is new as well. He was told by another student of mine that this conversation was happening, so he took it upon himself to open an account and weigh in. Get this straight gentlemen, my students are very loyal to me. They are loyal because the commitment I make to my students is unparallel to any mentor they will ever have! Jeronimo Loscher is also one of my students. We are actually in contract on a property right now. As I am an honest man, I will tell you I asked Jeronimo to come on here and give his 2 cents. My account was disabled for a few days and I just got it re-activated today. The reason by the way is that I signed up as "Ryan Kuhlman A.K.A The Flip Coach" and you have to use a real name. So I at least wanted Jeronimo to come on here in the meantime to help set this all straight. Again, my students know I am very real and so is my program. I was President and owner of BREIA and MD-REIA, two of the largest REIAs in the country right here in Broward and Miami Dade. I was also President of National REIA for 5 years until 2023. I have taught students all over the country. But South Florida has been my main focus. I have created more successful students in South Florida than any other mentor. That is not a cocky statement it is a fact. It is because I have dedicated my life to Real Estate and Real Estate mentoring. I have no family and I work in Real Estate 7 days a week. Not only do I mentor my students, I also have a very successful company Florida Homeowner Solutions that keeps me very busy. If you really want to see what I am all about I have a few events coming up that any of you can attend whether you are looking for a mentor or not. And you can certainly meet students of mine like David and Jeronimo. If you are looking for a mentor, lets talk. I not only teach how to Wholesale and Fix and Flip, but also buy and hold investing as well. I partner with my students and my students actually receive 60% of the profits!! By the way, I spoke to Chris Diaz yesterday and he is considering my program. When he contacted me he said a lot of shade was thrown on me and my program and he didnt know if I was for real or not. I get it, new accounts and amazing testimonials could seem like this was not legit. I assure you I am real, my students are real, and my Flip Coach program does create success stories. My passion comes from the fact I get to change people's lives, literally. Seeing people make 10 times more money than they were in their 9-5 is one of the reasons I do this!! I wish all of you success in life and Real Estate. If you have any questions let me know. Thanks for listening.

 As you know pretty hard to win over the BP folks when it comes to mentoring as there is such a long line of not so hot mentors that precede you. And BP is basically what I would call a do it yourself audience learn on your own etc etc. No Mentor or Guru is worth any money use that money to buy a rental :)

As your probably aware how wholesaling is taught in most states is illegal and the laws are changing daily across the country to bring some teeth to this niche of selling real estate without a license.. I funded about 150 deals in Orlando for Armando Montalongo students and the wholesalers up there all had RE licenses.. so they were legal from what I saw. 

Fix and flip training wide open.. I was back room with Armando for years and then Nick Vertucci ( I was providing capital to their students) so they could implement what they were taught.. 

Generally what I saw in the Mentor coaching bizz is there is huge money if you can scale it and the guru mentor could give a rip what anyone on BP would say about them .. BP just hits a small segment of the potential students that would be attracted to your program.. And in FLA there is Vekelmen doing the same thing etc.. Lots of choices with Mentors.

I too have seen many do quite well with what they learned.. Its like anything real estate related maybe 10% will succeed with anyone's training but that's OK the other 90 has the right to pay for the training if they so desire even though it wont bring any tangable results. 

 @Jay Hinrichs

Great points made Jay. Dont take it personal, but I can tell you that I have talked to more people over the years that signed up with a TV Guru like Armando and failed miserably. Not necessarily Armando, but Cody Sperber, Fortune Builders, Yancys, etc. There was a federal law suit against most of these programs filed by SEC, but I am not sure what the outcome was. You are 100% right that most "Gurus" and their programs are absolute crap! I NEVER call myself a Guru. I am just an active investor that owns a successful Real Estate company and I am passionate about teaching. Better to learn from a successful investor that is actually doing deals than a TV Guru in my opinion. I  know very few successful people in any business that learned completely on their own. Some but very few. To each his own my friend.  

agreed on Sperber and the Zuixx team of trainers you mentioned.. Frankly and I was there Armando's students killed it.. we were early into Vegas in 2011 to 2013 buying homes basically all sub 120k I know if funded tons of them now average price in Vegas is closer to 300k for the same props.. when the foreclosures ran out ( thats what I was funding the flipper who was providing the inventory to Armando) they moved to Orlando and same thing we provided capital to buy fix and then sell to Students plus non recourse funding for IRA buyers.. same thing Students bought these for 70 to 120k each everyone of them has doubled or tripled..

Of course to get to this inventory they had to sign up for the fix and flip class which was extensive I was there I have been providing fix and flip money since 2001 so I know how the process goes and whats real and not. The training was real.. but as we know you can lead a horse to water but real estate is tough and as I state only 10 to MaYBE 20% can make it the rest just fade and or just buy rentals .. 

Wholesaling as taught IE tie up with no ability to close and then assign is going to get regulated out of existence in most states its already happening and it is illegal today in Florida as well.

But that all said.  The FTC for sure is goes after these Mentor guru's that promise big returns if you just buy my course.. and takes a while but then what happened to the folks you mention and Tarik and his wife and many others they just get shut down and start over in some other capacity. Armando and Vertucci made so much money they never have to work again.. Nick is doing his Poker U tube channel and not sure what Armando is up to.. 

 Yeah I heard that Armando's students for a while were doing well. That is cool you were a part of that, especially in that market at that time. I am not sure what Armando is up to either, but the last time I saw him was in the airport. He was flying coach! lol 

What is your main focus now? 

 flying back to his ocean front home at laguna beach CA  No doubt. 

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Chris Diaz
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Chris Diaz

Lots of negativity here towards mentors and I get this is an industry FULL of them. This process of embarking on my real estate investing journey has been something I've been hashing out for several months, including visiting a local REIA that really turned me off, numerous networking meet-ups, etc, etc. I had a list of about 10 mentors that served my area in South Florida I went through before meeting Ryan. Everyone who is on Instagram worked from home, which isn't a bad thing I have plenty of clients in my job of golf instruction who have made fortunes working remotely, but when they won't even meet me at a coffee shop to pitch me and want money over the phone or zoom, I immediately disconnect. I do agree with a lot of the posters here that 99% of the mentors are self promotional and a complete waste of time and money.

When Ryan invited me to his office, I brought up this forum, and went as far to insinuate there may be some manufactured reviews, and really started to question his integrity a bit. Ryan didn't flinch one bit, instead he shared his story about his past, and even showed me photos of David and other students he worked with. His resume, including being the youngest ever president of the National REIA when he ran BREIA, which I see he posted here, is stellar. There was no high pressure selling in his office and I found him to be a very genuine, likable guy. I left with no doubt he's my guy and while I'm figuring out what level I want to commit to and probably won't be ready for a month or more, he was generous enough to invite me out to a site of a home he's rehabbing to see what his processes are. I'm not here trying to promote him or say he is the God of real estate investing, but out of fairness for how genuine of a guy he was during our meeting, how impressive his office was and how organized he seems to be, I don't think the slander is fair, especially from complete strangers, some in other markets with an agenda to troll him. There's keyboard warriors everywhere on social media and when I browse other sections of this forum I don't see that, so I can see the "mentor thing" is probably something that burnt a lot of people.

Say what you want about mentors. If you don't need one and find value elsewhere, that's amazing. Everyone has their preferences and learning styles.  I just know what having a mentor in my golf career did for me, and it opened so many doors for me that it just suits my learning style.  YMMV of course as we are all wired differently but I feel it's the best path for me. 

Thanks to everyone for the constructive feedback, you know who you are.  And for those who had skepticism, well, I feel that opened up a lot of new discussions during my meeting so despite your agenda, thank you as well.  Loving BP and will be more regular here once I get going, whenever that will be.  Have a great weekend and thanks again.

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Branden Rivero
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Branden Rivero
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I can vouch for Ryan, I met him years ago and follow what he and his partner do. They are the real deal down here 

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Jack Seiden
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Jack Seiden
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Quote from @Chris Diaz:

New to real estate investing and am looking for a local mentor. I was turned off by the local REIA chapter and am seeing a lot of the "Guru" types on Instagram which is a hard pass for me. I ran into Ryan Kuhlman's program called "Flip Coach," and booked a call for next week. Does anyone here have any experience with The Flip Coach? I'm looking to get into wholesale but also eventually fix and flip. He has some good PR out there and was the National REIA Director when he was in the REIA space. Any feedback from current mentees would be appreciated.

How about I just give you a bunch of free information, 1. Flipping is extraordinary hard right now, I look everyday at deals in 17 counties these range from the nations capital to rural areas with population’s in the hundreds, I also act as my own gc, am a real estate agent and have a relatively cheap line of credit (8.25% no points) and I’ve bought one deal in the last 2.5 years. 

a flip really is a quite easy formula 

1. your purchase price (you make money when you buy)
2. Your “overhead” costs to buy & sell the house + holding costs, interest, property taxes etc, luckily these can be pretty easily calculated, many websites like closing companies will have websites where you can fill out information about a property and it will tell you the costs to buy & sell, loan costs are easily calculable, take your purchase multiply by intrest rate divide by 12, that’s your monthly expenses multiply by the number of months you project the to complete, a good rule of thumb is even cosmetic can easily be 6 months anything more complicated can be 9-12 though all that can very greatly.
3. Your rehab costs, this is the hardest to calculate, will depend greatly on location I did a mostly cosmetic rehab in dc was 160k did a similar project just a 1.5 hour away it was 60k, materials assuming your not doing something super high end seem to be 25-35k for a a sub 2k square foot house, again labor is tough to calculate, but ask around your local market what people are generally paying for things
4. What can the property sell for? You can run your own comps on Zillow/redin  make sure you understand your local market and how much finishes, bed bath count effect prices, don’t lie to yourself about arv or project it to go up that’s how you end up in trouble.

if you can get all those variables down, while things can still happen/go wrong you should have a good ball park of the potential profit margin, always room for error in your net profit, markets can shift, you can get hit with unexpected expenses etc.
  • Jack Seiden
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    Quote from @Ryan Kuhlman:I am not sure what Armando is up to either, but the last time I saw him was in the airport. He was flying coach! lol

    I can easily afford to not fly coach, but still do because of my humble background.  I still pick up change off of the ground.  What of it?  I can't remember the last time such a seemingly innocuous statement had me so annoyed.  You project an unbecoming lack of humility, imo.  

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    Quote from @Chris Diaz:

    Lots of negativity here towards mentors and I get this is an industry FULL of them.  ...

    I do agree with a lot of the posters here that 99% of the mentors are self promotional and a complete waste of time and money.  ...

     I don't think the slander is fair, especially from complete strangers, some in other markets with an agenda to troll him.  There's keyboard warriors everywhere ...

    Say what you want about mentors. If you don't need one and find value elsewhere, that's amazing. ...

    Thanks to everyone for the constructive feedback, you know who you are.  And for those who had skepticism, well, I feel that opened up a lot of new discussions during my meeting so despite your agenda, thank you as well....


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    Chris Diaz
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    Chris Diaz
    Quote from @Chris John:
    Quote from @Chris Diaz:

    Lots of negativity here towards mentors and I get this is an industry FULL of them.  ...

    I do agree with a lot of the posters here that 99% of the mentors are self promotional and a complete waste of time and money.  ...

     I don't think the slander is fair, especially from complete strangers, some in other markets with an agenda to troll him.  There's keyboard warriors everywhere ...

    Say what you want about mentors. If you don't need one and find value elsewhere, that's amazing. ...

    Thanks to everyone for the constructive feedback, you know who you are.  And for those who had skepticism, well, I feel that opened up a lot of new discussions during my meeting so despite your agenda, thank you as well....



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    Jay Hinrichs
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    Jay Hinrichs
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    Quote from @Chris John:
    Quote from @Ryan Kuhlman:I am not sure what Armando is up to either, but the last time I saw him was in the airport. He was flying coach! lol

    I can easily afford to not fly coach, but still do because of my humble background.  I still pick up change off of the ground.  What of it?  I can't remember the last time such a seemingly innocuous statement had me so annoyed.  You project an unbecoming lack of humility, imo.  

     first class can and does get sold out frequently with premier status flyers getting free upgrades 

    sometimes there are no other seats

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    Quote from @Guy Gimenez:
    Quote from @David Nolan:

    Hey Chris, 

    I am a student of Ryan Kuhlman's. I signed up for his Flip Coach program a few years ago. I first took a National Mentor program, Clever Investor, and it was horrible! They assigned some so called mentor to me out of Tampa. They were not even in my market. I spent a good amount of money and never got a single deal. It was a complete waste of my time. I came across The Flip Coach from a National REIA webinar when Ryan Kuhlman was President of NREIA. After speaking to Ryan and speaking to a couple of successful students of his, I joined his program. Best thing that ever happened to my Real Estate investing career!! The Flip Coach program has the A to Z of information, but more importantly Ryan really motivated me and made sure I understood the actionable steps I needed to take. He got me over my procrastination and fears! Now I do 15-20 Wholesale deals per year and last year did my first two fix and flips. I know a lot of people think they can watch YouTube videos, spend time with Real Estate professionals and network, and they can get started investing in Real Estate. But I know a lot of people who tried on their own like this and have failed and are still failing. I made back my investment in the Flip Coach program 10 times over! I highly suggest you check it out. Hope this helps.

    HUGE. RED. FLAG.  If you give any credence to this type of response, you're in for a long painful real estate investing experience. 

     Nothing painful about my investing experience Guy. Not sure why so negative unless maybe you had a bad experience yourself. Yes, there are a lot of so called "gurus" that are total crap. But when someone throws this kind of shade is usually something personal. Of course I support my mentor because he is a big part of my success. But I dont need to convince you or anyone else of anything. I came here in support of my mentor. Thats it. 

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    Guy Gimenez
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    Guy Gimenez
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    Quote from @David Nolan:
    Quote from @Guy Gimenez:
    Quote from @David Nolan:

    Hey Chris, 

    I am a student of Ryan Kuhlman's. I signed up for his Flip Coach program a few years ago. I first took a National Mentor program, Clever Investor, and it was horrible! They assigned some so called mentor to me out of Tampa. They were not even in my market. I spent a good amount of money and never got a single deal. It was a complete waste of my time. I came across The Flip Coach from a National REIA webinar when Ryan Kuhlman was President of NREIA. After speaking to Ryan and speaking to a couple of successful students of his, I joined his program. Best thing that ever happened to my Real Estate investing career!! The Flip Coach program has the A to Z of information, but more importantly Ryan really motivated me and made sure I understood the actionable steps I needed to take. He got me over my procrastination and fears! Now I do 15-20 Wholesale deals per year and last year did my first two fix and flips. I know a lot of people think they can watch YouTube videos, spend time with Real Estate professionals and network, and they can get started investing in Real Estate. But I know a lot of people who tried on their own like this and have failed and are still failing. I made back my investment in the Flip Coach program 10 times over! I highly suggest you check it out. Hope this helps.

    HUGE. RED. FLAG.  If you give any credence to this type of response, you're in for a long painful real estate investing experience. 

     Nothing painful about my investing experience Guy. Not sure why so negative unless maybe you had a bad experience yourself. Yes, there are a lot of so called "gurus" that are total crap. But when someone throws this kind of shade is usually something personal. Of course I support my mentor because he is a big part of my success. But I dont need to convince you or anyone else of anything. I came here in support of my mentor. Thats it. 

    I don't know your "mentor" so it's not personal. My comments are simply based on experience and common sense. 

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    Quote from @Chris Diaz:

    Hey David,

    Thank you, this is the kind of feedback I was seeking.  Sorry to hear about your experience with Clever Investor.  Glad to hear you had success.  If I end up jumping in I hope I can replicate your wins!  You are local to South Florida I take it?

    Thank you again for taking the time.

     Hey Chris, 

    Sorry for the late reply. I dont come on here much. Especially with all the negativity. What is up with people today!? Anyway, I was local to South Florida. Now I am in North Florida. Have a couple smaller markets that I am working and moved closer to family. Talked to Ryan and he said you guys spoke. I hope you do make the decision to join the program. You dont have to replicate my wins my friend, you will have your own. But you have to work at it and really put in the time. 


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    Quote from @Guy Gimenez:
    Quote from @David Nolan:
    Quote from @Guy Gimenez:
    Quote from @David Nolan:

    Hey Chris, 

    I am a student of Ryan Kuhlman's. I signed up for his Flip Coach program a few years ago. I first took a National Mentor program, Clever Investor, and it was horrible! They assigned some so called mentor to me out of Tampa. They were not even in my market. I spent a good amount of money and never got a single deal. It was a complete waste of my time. I came across The Flip Coach from a National REIA webinar when Ryan Kuhlman was President of NREIA. After speaking to Ryan and speaking to a couple of successful students of his, I joined his program. Best thing that ever happened to my Real Estate investing career!! The Flip Coach program has the A to Z of information, but more importantly Ryan really motivated me and made sure I understood the actionable steps I needed to take. He got me over my procrastination and fears! Now I do 15-20 Wholesale deals per year and last year did my first two fix and flips. I know a lot of people think they can watch YouTube videos, spend time with Real Estate professionals and network, and they can get started investing in Real Estate. But I know a lot of people who tried on their own like this and have failed and are still failing. I made back my investment in the Flip Coach program 10 times over! I highly suggest you check it out. Hope this helps.

    HUGE. RED. FLAG.  If you give any credence to this type of response, you're in for a long painful real estate investing experience. 

     Nothing painful about my investing experience Guy. Not sure why so negative unless maybe you had a bad experience yourself. Yes, there are a lot of so called "gurus" that are total crap. But when someone throws this kind of shade is usually something personal. Of course I support my mentor because he is a big part of my success. But I dont need to convince you or anyone else of anything. I came here in support of my mentor. Thats it. 

    I don't know your "mentor" so it's not personal. My comments are simply based on experience and common sense. 

     Well certainly no hard feelings as I dont take it personal. Wish you all the success in your endeavors. Be well. 

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    Andrew Syrios
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    Andrew Syrios
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    Quote from @Ryan Kuhlman:
    Quote from @Andrew Syrios:

    I don't know Ryan Kuhlman and haven't reviewed his work, but generally I think just about any of these gurus are going to be unnecessary and overly expensive. You should be able to learn all you need here on BP, with their books and others and meetups like your local REIA. And it's much cheaper that way.

    @Andrew Syrios

    Hey Andrew. Nothing personal here in this post at all, so dont take it that way. Funny how you mentioned learning from REIAs as I used to own BREIA and MD-REIA and my mentor program at the time was the most successful in South Florida. However, most REIAs only bring in speakers that sell programs that most of the time do not work! I know some people have different experience levels and capacity to learn and execute skills. But I can tell you I have seen more people fail simply because they think they can learn everything they need to know from BP, YouTube, and other online sources. Maybe you are able to learn and develop the skills needed to execute effective marketing strategies, find motivated sellers, evaluate properties and what repairs are needed and the costs, structure deals for distressed properties, make effective offers, know how to properly fill out As Is contract, build a buyers list, market property effectively to buyers if wholesaling, negotiate price with buyers, and using the right title company and getting funding to wholesale the property. Or to do all of this for a Fix N Flip, but then you would need to have the contractors. But not everyone can come up with this on their own. As far as cost goes, again, a lot of people fail because they think like a consumer. "Overly expensive"? So if a mentor for any industry charged you $50,000 to mentor you but you were able to make $250,000 from what you learned would that still be overly expensive? As an investor, I dont care what anything costs relatively speaking, I only concern myself with the return. Something to think about.

    Well I certainly appreciate your response. I would certainly pay a mentor $50,000 to make $250,000, but of course that's a hypothetical payout. It's just my general experience with paid mentors isn't particularly positive. Which of course, is not a reflection on you at all. But still, I recommend being other approaches and being cautious with expensive coaching programs. 

  • Andrew Syrios