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Joe S.
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Lease option question for Texas

Joe S.
Pro Member
  • Investor
  • San Antonio
Posted Jun 18 2024, 19:50

So are lease options ok if it’s a commercial building in Texas? I know there is a bit of controversy on lease options for residential.

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Ty Coutts
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Ty Coutts
#4 Creative Real Estate Financing Contributor
  • Lender
Replied Jun 25 2024, 12:36

Hi,Joe S., here's what to know:

Legal Framework: Commercial lease options are governed primarily by contract law and the terms agreed upon between the landlord (lessor) and tenant (lessee). There isn't the same level of regulation or scrutiny as with residential lease options, which are subject to specific tenant protections.

Flexibility: Lease options can provide flexibility for both parties. They typically involve two agreements: a lease agreement that outlines the terms of the lease (rent, responsibilities, etc.) and an option agreement that grants the tenant the right (but not the obligation) to purchase the property within a specified period at a predetermined price.

Negotiation Power: Lease options can be attractive to tenants who may want to secure a property for their business while potentially benefiting from any appreciation in property value. For landlords, lease options can attract tenants who are committed to the property and may take better care of it.

Commercial Property Considerations: When considering a lease option for a commercial property in Texas, ensure that:
The terms of both the lease and the option agreement are clearly defined and legally binding.
Both parties understand their rights and obligations, including maintenance responsibilities, payment terms, and conditions for exercising the option.
Consult with a real estate attorney to draft or review the lease option agreement to protect your interests.

Here are some things that may help you form a pros and cons list going forward:


Potential for higher rental income due to the option premium paid by the tenant.
Attracts long-term tenants who may eventually purchase the property.
Allows flexibility for both parties in uncertain market conditions.


Ensure the option fee and terms are fair and reflect the property's market value.
Understand the financial implications and tax considerations associated with lease options.
Be clear about the tenant's ability to exercise the option, including financing requirements if they decide to purchase.

Lease options can be a viable strategy for commercial properties in Texas, offering flexibility and potential benefits for both landlords and tenants. As with any real estate transaction, it's crucial to have clear agreements and legal counsel to navigate the process effectively and protect your interests. Hope this helps!