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Updated about 5 years ago, 09/15/2019
Defining Measurable Goals between Owners and Property Managers
Hi everyone,
I have 3 doors in Central Oregon (Duplex and SFH), I have been working with my current PM for the past year and would like to dial in our process and how we work together.
I would like to define measurable targets for us collectively, in terms of how the properties perform and how we work together. I understand that the performance of the units is contingent on financing, but I have some ideas which isolates financing.
I understand the scope of this question is very broad, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on any of the following, no bad ideas:
1) Quantitative (measurable) goals owners have with their professional PMs.
2) Qualitative goals owners have with their professional PMs.
3) If the PM is only managing 3 units for me is it fair to push them towards these goals or is this unreasonable considering how small the portfolio is?
Thank you everyone!