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Updated over 14 years ago, 08/03/2010
Landlord will not execute "just cause" eviction - suggestions?
Hello friends,
The quick rub is this: Signed a mo. to mo. lease here in SF on 6-15-2010. Rent is very depressed (roommates) at $435 (all inclusive). Beautiful house, backyard with trees and garden. In the Bayview district which is slowly gentrifying (new constructions, professionals moving in, new commercial entities).
We executed a contract which states that if any tenant (there are 3 others - very large house) has more than 3 nuisance disturbances in 90 days they shall be "just cause" for eviction.
[The landlord is the property owner]
As of now; (only one bad apple) roommate has had trespassing guests (entered house through back door at 1am without him being awake); gas stove left on all evening multiple times and general violent/aggressive mannerisms.
She also offered room B (usually $590) for $535, which is a $55 discount. Since this discount was due to the noise disturbance (of the same bad apple) does it matter if it's applied to room A (my current space)? It's within the body of an email (her offer) and unclear how her financial situation is any different if I stay, rather, in room A at the $55 discount.
Filed an Alternative Dispute Resolution motion with the SF rent board. Any other suggestions to move that she perform on her duties to evict (all other tenants have had continuous issues with this apple of which she has been repeatedly informed)?