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Updated 28 days ago, 11/21/2024
Nearing 1,000 College Student Tenants: Here's what I've Learned
I've recently spoken to a few REIA groups in my area about my business and I thought it would be a good idea to share this info in the forums.
I've been investing in college student rentals for 12 years and currently have ~50 units (SFHs and duplexes, mostly) within a 3-4 mile radius around the University of South Carolina in Columbia. I've rented to close to 1,000 students since I started at the age of 25 and wanted to offer some insight. It's my belief that because of the age, maturity level, number of decision makers (parents & their child) that it is one of the hardest niches in buy and hold investing. I have several landlord friends that have tried to rent to students and said "never again." But it can be done and done successfully
As I see it there are 4 major reasons why you'd want to rent to students:
They pay a whole lot more than non-students. In my estimation, somewhere between 20-100% more. I have a SFH home with a cost basis of 60k that rents for $1725, a 170k duplex that rents for $5,000, and a 90k that rents for $3,500. I pay no utilities and these are all one year leases.
College students almost always pay their rent. At least the ones that I rent to. Out of all the students I've had, only had four (4) did not pay their lease in full since I started. Over 4 million dollars of leases and only ~$3500 was not paid. That's over 99.9%. And I do this without parental guarantors.
Raising the rent $100/month on a family is a big deal. Raising it a $100/month on a duplex that 4 students are sharing is only $25/person. The fact that they split the rent up makes it much, much easier to raise rents on students versus non-students.
Barring a catastrophic occurrence, the University will be there for a long time. Every single year 5,000-6,000 new students will come in needing housing. I know when they need to move in and when they need to move out. Companies and even military bases can close down and move away, but this is highly unlikely with state University.
There are roughly 8,754,999,549,142 reasons why you'd NOT want to rent to students but here are my top 4.
This is usually surprising to a lot of other investors. My least favorite thing about the student rentals are not the students. It's their parents. They're usually well meaning, but when they get involved with the leasing process, a repair issue, a neighbor complaint, etc, it always escalates the issue. And it's because they're only getting 20% of the story from their child. Dealing with and communicating with 6 nineteen year old girls living in a property together is hard enough, I can't and won't deal with their 12 parents.
Neighbors in my market don't like student rentals just as they don't everywhere else on planet earth. They usually have the expectation that students should be respectful, not park in the yard, have loud parties, etc. And they're right. That's what students should do. However, that is not realistic. These same neighbors are living 3-4 blocks from 30,000 students and 25 bars. I've been able to curb a lot of this through large fines in my lease, but even having to pay $1,000 will not always dissuade my tenants from continuing that behavior.
If you're renting to students forget about ever getting them to admit to anything. They lie all of the time. "I don't know what happened" or "It was that way when I got home" are the constant excuses I hear regarding damages to the property. I've had over 100 broken windows in the last decade and only had 4 of those admit to breaking it on their own. Full disclosure I was the same way when I was in college. They're not bad kids, but they are kids.
80% of my properties turn over every single year. This makes the summer an incredibly busy time, especially with a lot of these turnovers happening within an 8-10 week span. We tried to expedite these turnovers by using the same wall paint, ceiling paint, trim paint for all of the properties. If you're looking for long term tenants, student rentals are not for you. I've only had one group stay for longer than 2 years and that was only for 3 years.
Hope this insight can help if you're thinking about renting to students. And if you do, Godspeed!