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Updated almost 9 years ago, 02/09/2016
Applying for a conv/fha loan--First Home/Investment Property
Hey guys, so here's the deal... I'm itching to buy my first 2 family home/investment property but can't decided if I want to A) take out a conventional loan and cover the downpayment with a loan against my 401k or B) take out an fha loan and cover the downpayment and repairs in cash, and then look for a property that will still cashflow given the higher monthly payment required of me. Please help!
-I have a low credit score (about 600) but may be able to get a guarantor if I need one
-Make decent money (sub six figures but close)
-Have enough to cover 30-40% as a downpayment plus another let's say 10-15k in repairs, but nearly all of it is tied up in my 401k
I hope I gave ya'll enough information to be able to help me. Thanks so much!!
Also, stupid question: HOW do I actually go about applying for these loans? Do I do it online? Go to a bank? A credit union? Mortgage broker? All of the above? Some of the above? Will it cost me money to apply?
Should I do it ASAP or once I find a property?
Should I make an offer on a property before I get approved or should I wait?
What first time homebuyer programs can I take advantage of (if any) in California?
Thanks again!!