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Jonathan Greene
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The 5 Biggest Mistakes New Investors Are Making Here In The Forums

Jonathan Greene
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These are here to help you make better connections in the forums. It's ok to be new, but if you consider these five tips, you will get much better responses to your questions.

1. Writing too little or too much in a post looking for answers. There is a happy medium out there. If you write a novel, most of us won't read it because it's just too much. If you write too little, we have nothing to go on. Ask one question and tell everyone what you have done up to this point to get the answers. Also, give relevant information on rates, prices, square footage, etc.

2. Asking for a mentor without having anything to give. This is running rampant. It's great to get in the forums and look to make connections, but when you only put your hand out and ask for help and have nothing to give back, you are only going to get people who are going to pitch you. A few locals may reach out (more likely local agents), but you will never hear back if you hop on that call and only want to take from them.

3. Being fragile when you don't get the responses you want. If someone doesn't give you the answer you want and you clap back, your time in the forums will be short. Not because you will get removed but because you aren't open to advice. Sometimes, you will ask one question, but pros will have other questions to see if you are even asking the right question. Open forums aren't the best option if you are prone to fragility.

4. Asking questions without researching how often the same question has been asked. See "Should I start an LLC?" as an example. If you want to get the best responses, don't ask a question that has been asked a million times. Do your due diligence in the forums, looking for other answers, and use those to frame a better question.

5. Posting the same question in multiple forums. This is a definite no-no. Please stop. Pick one forum where your question makes the most sense. If it's a good question, we will find it. If you post the same question in several forums, we all know it's spam. You know it's spam. Don't spam.

If you are an experienced commenter here, let everyone know what you think of these to help them even more. Add some of your own.

If you are new, please use these to help yourself get better answers here.

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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

Let's try to conclude the thread, as it holds no value anymore.

The light always shines on an invitation. What could go wrong with hopping on a Zoom? Nothing. I was open to letting these two guys make their best case, maybe they learn something.

This is your standard fare anonymous forum poster BS hiding behind privacy concerns.

The only reason it's still going this way is because they won't come out from behind the curtain and just have a regular conversation and somehow turn a Zoom invitation into some type of threat or aggrieved behavior. As I said in the original post, this is fragility.

Go back and read the first post and tell me where that was offensive. Everything after that came from clapback and fragility and just because I won't let the stupidity go, it continues. For everyone's sake, stop replying.

Individuals who have experienced hurt haven't processed their pain or developed effective coping strategies. Their unprocessed emotions can manifest as aggressive behaviors towards others. 

Again, stop calling out for help here with these posts that you hope will change the opinion of you that you so greatly hope that others will have of you.  Dude, you're on full display now, and we all know how much you NEED that favor around here. 

Stop BULLYING.  I pray you're not a parent.  Your level of BULLYING is too much to pass on to innocent children, as they behave the way they see us behave.  Be kind and they too will be kind.  Be nasty, and they too will be nasty.  Stand up against BULLYING, and they too will do the same.  

You stop replying. YOU. WON'T. WIN. Isn't that what you 'warned' before?

Let's go back to the start. I made a post. You criticized it, and I responded. Over and over. It's on you. You can't get out of your own way. What you are writing is literally insane, talking about me as a parent. Talking about bullying. No one is bullying you. I don't even know who you are. I am just responding to you. Each post gets more hyperbolic. Just relax. You aren't going to win anything on here.

No one needs favor. You are seriously through the fence in left field and into the parking lot. As I have said 100 times, go back and read the first post and tell me where something bullied you. You did the rest.

Have an amazing Sunday!


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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

The level of professionalism is astounding (and childish).  Name calling... insults.  Are you the only one who can have an opinion?  Or an idea?  Or a point of view?  

And yet, Jonathan's not hiding his identity behind initials and no picture.

 If I had to do it over again, I would have used “Dan H”.  with my last name I am very easy to identify.  There are also many weird people out there.  Some that believe all LL are evil and that they should not expect to make money for the risk, investment, and effort of investing in residential RE.  I continuously run into more people like this (I am sure living in Ca does not help).  What virtually all these people have in common is they know less than $hit about RE.  They feel they have 0 opportunity but at the conferences and REA meeting I go to I meet young people with a different attitude that appear to be on a great path to success.  

I recently attended the MTR summit.  There were a lot of young hustlers.  2 local girls worked supporting the summit to go.  They made a good pitch to try to manage my STRs.  I loved their enthusiasm and hustle.  As near as I can determine they own no Properties but co-host some and are eager to grow.  Their mindset was so different than the socialist that believe housing is a divine right and they should be able to live wherever they want.  I know who will be more successful and it is not those that think they should be provided free/low cost housing in San diego for doing virtually nothing. 

My point is I understand wanting some anonymity.  I wish I had more anonymity with respect to BP. 

Anyone at BP want to help getting my user name changed to “Dan h” or “Dan R H”?

Good idea, Dan H.  When you're dealing with the internet, there are just so many trolls and childish folks running around who will do their best to "harm" or hurt you in anyway they can when you do something as simple as disagree with them, or have a different view point from theirs.  I knew exactly what I was doing using my initials.  Many others I know of who have come across the kind of childish, indecent kind of folks I mentioned above, always say the same thing, "I wish I had started out using only my initials and not posting my photo."  Regarding changing your name, I don't do much around BP as I'm "busy," - the real kind of busy that keeps me from posting here all day, but reach out to BP and maybe they can help you with that.  All the best, Dan!

Bro, are you even serious here? You have been trolling non-stop, but are also busy? You aren't gaining any favor as an anonymous person on the site. You are hiding so you can do stuff like this.

For someone who isn't reading my comments because they're so long, you surely can't stop responding to them.

"Bro," you sound just like a "little" BULLY sending out his rally cry for help after the entire school stood up against him.  Drop the "anonymous" thing.  It's old and desperate. There are a thousand folks on BP who use their initials and have no photo. I've been on BP for a couple of years, and in all that time I've never engaged in anything like this before.  Yet, you brag that you've been here since forever, and I have personally witnessed your BULLYING in several topic forums.  The same BULLYING you've been attempting to pull off here.  You keep saying I'm not gaining any favor here - seems to me you're the only one after that so-called "favor."

"You are hiding so you can do stuff like this."
  That statement alone shows how you are not accustomed to someone challenging you like this.  Typically, you would have run the poor sods off, but "not I, said the cat."  It's a new day for you, sir.  You're not the only one allowed to have an opinion.  You're not the only one allowed a point of view.  And you're certainly not the only one who can give it.  Only thing is, it looks like you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

I will say this again, YOU AND OTHERS LIKE YOU are the reason so many quit looking for help in this forum, and stop seeking the answers they need.  I'm not going to repeat the "whys" of my kind response to your initial post... those can be found in some of my other comments, but anyone with half a brain can look at my comment in response to your initial one, and find nothing but love and kindness in it.  It was your NASTY reply that started this rabbit hole journey.

So stop crying for help. Stop using words that you know will "nudge" your "little" sidekicks to jump in and help you here.  Stop trying to make yourself look like the victim.  You have victimized any and everyone who has offered another POV to what you've said.  When you use words like "you've been trolling," that's your "cry" to ask your buddies to jump in and help.  As someone else said, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

You want everyone to believe that you are so busy, yet, all your time is spent here... insulting and scaring folks off away from BP so you can turn around and call them "weak" and F R A G I L E.  Again, "not I, said the cat."

I hadn't read my Bible yesterday BEFORE I began replying to your nastiness.  But today, we're going to take a different route, because my goal is to always lead with love in hopes that someone else will humble themselves and begin to lead with love in their dealings with others.

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self control."  2 Timothy 1:7

You call yourself a mentor here, so DO BETTER.  Choose BETTER.  Be BETTER.  

Real folks will respect you more.

Have an amazing day!  

Didn't read, but I am quite sure you said no to showing up and having a real conversation. Keep hiding.

Hurt people, hurt people.  So sorry that someone hurt you.  

By now, everyone here knows that you can't help yourself from reading what others might say about you.  

Have an amazing Sunday!  
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Jonathan Greene
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Jonathan Greene
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1. Never said ""No one here is going to like you if you keep talking back to me." Go find that.

2. Not a single thing I said was "ugly".

3. Your interpretations are colored by your misplaced bravado and low self-worth. No one is leading anyone to anything. No one cares. People respond to whatever they want to.

4. You are now bullying yourself.

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Jim K.#2 Investor Mindset Contributor
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Jim K.#2 Investor Mindset Contributor
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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

I thought this post was the donation. I guess I miscalculated that. :)

Your post is the gift that keeps giving. We're at seven pages of logorrhea over less than nothing and I suspect we'll get to eight before they day is out.

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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

1. Never said ""No one here is going to like you if you keep talking back to me." Go find that.

2. Not a single thing I said was "ugly".

3. Your interpretations are colored by your misplaced bravado and low self-worth. No one is leading anyone to anything. No one cares. People respond to whatever they want to.

4. You are now bullying yourself.

Have an amazing Sunday!


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Jonathan Greene
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Jonathan Greene
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Quote from @Jim K.:
Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

I thought this post was the donation. I guess I miscalculated that. :)

Your post is the gift that keeps giving. We're at seven pages of logorrhea over less than nothing and I suspect we'll get to eight before they day is out.

Have an amazing Sunday! Have an amazing Sunday!

Yeah, we are getting to 8 pages for sure.

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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:
Quote from @Kevin S.:

@FR W.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

what makes a forum where people can talk to other people openly is that people can voice their expression, sometimes with a little bit of bullying, I think that's acceptable if not going too extreme, I get bullied too after helping them to decompose problems. Sometimes you can't do anything other than just laugh.  But there are interesting fun vibes here at BP when specific people interact, I can even predict what they're going to say and what these two folks going to debate ;-) , the forum is like a fruit market, where everyone is throwing their opinion and then for an answer that you're looking for, you write down that answer in your brain. For some specific people, I try not to argue a lot because some folks have a relentless spirit to force their point lol but rest assured they are all loving real estate (and stock market lol) haha

Hi.  Fortunately, as I've stated, I don't find BULLYING on any level OK.  People kill themselves for even what some might call "light" BULLYING.  But, thank you for chiming in, and you're right, hopefully we all love RE and the stock market.  I sure do :)

This is a serious post? You just took a regular forum post to help people where you and your friend have been hyperbolic the entire time, with only me responding to you, to a bullying/suicide thing? Please seek the help you need.

Have an amazing Sunday!


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Dan H.
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Dan H.
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Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:
Quote from @Kevin S.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

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Jonathan Greene
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Jonathan Greene
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To try to wrap this up (hopefully), the initial post has been proven over and over inside of this post so it's actually good evidence of what not to do.

For anyone who wasn't around four years ago, this has happened before. Look up Bro Investor in the box and the same thing happened four years ago.

People read posts through their own lens and then try to make it into something else. I still would say that there is not a reasonable or rational person who could read the initial post and be offended, much less bullied. That comes from how one feels about themselves.

The only thing I have done is respond to others' responses. When you step into a forum and criticize it and the poster, I am not sure what you think will happen. And I am not sure why you think you will make it better by continuing to do the same thing that the post told you not to do. Most notably, abject fragility and TLDR.

When an invitation to hop on a recorded Zoom is seen as aggressive, I have to give up. It's the best way to finalize the "issue" and get out from behind anonymity. But people who do this regularly in forums always say the same things. It's all on display here and this is what the post was intended to help.

And, as @Dan H. said, I do not know a single person on this thread in real life other than Dave Meyer.

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Quote from @Dan H.:
Quote from @Kevin S.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

User Stats

Dan H.
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  • Investor
  • Poway, CA
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Dan H.
Pro Member
  • Investor
  • Poway, CA
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:
Quote from @Kevin S.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

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Quote from @Dan H.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


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Dan H.
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  • Poway, CA
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Dan H.
Pro Member
  • Investor
  • Poway, CA
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


 >I am a licensed psychologist

That explains a lot.  

I was clear as could be “nothing in this thread would I consider bullying”.  Not light bullying.  Not very light bullying.

You should know their illness led to the suicide.  I do not know how to be more clear and concise.  

I also was clear Jonathan is not a friend or even an acquaintance and you repeating it does not change that fact.  

Best wishes. 

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Jonathan Greene
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#1 All Forums Contributor
  • Specialist
  • Mendham, NJ
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Jonathan Greene
Pro Member
#1 All Forums Contributor
  • Specialist
  • Mendham, NJ
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


"I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him."

What? Copy and paste all of those into the forum for everyone to see. If you are licensed psychologist, I would ask you to send this entire thread to your mentor and get them to weigh in on your behavior and usage over and over of the words bullying.

I have told you to get help multiple times which I stand by. I have called you fragile multiple times which I stand by. I don't recall any personal insults going your way. So please post those and in return, I will post your most outrageous personal attacks including criticizing my parenting, feeling sorry for my kids. Seems like as a psychologist you would know what is out of bounds.

Your fragility keeps getting reinforced every time you post and you keep doubling down and tripling down. Please send the whole chain to your mentor and you will have all of the answers you need. You are looking it this through you own self-worth and frailty, not objectively.

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Quote from @Dan H.:
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


 >I am a licensed psychologist

That explains a lot.  

You should know their illness led to the suicide.  I do not know how to be more clear and concise.  

Best wishes. 

I don't know why you feel the need to keep stressing your lack of knowledge on the matter, but yet you do.  

All the best.  #DismissalsInOrder

Have an amazing Sunday!

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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


"I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him."

What? Copy and paste all of those into the forum for everyone to see. If you are licensed psychologist, I would ask you to send this entire thread to your mentor and get them to weigh in on your behavior and usage over and over of the words bullying.

I have told you to get help multiple times which I stand by. I have called you fragile multiple times which I stand by. I don't recall any personal insults going your way. So please post those and in return, I will post your most outrageous personal attacks including criticizing my parenting, feeling sorry for my kids. Seems like as a psychologist you would know what is out of bounds.

Your fragility keeps getting reinforced every time you post and you keep doubling down and tripling down. Please send the whole chain to your mentor and you will have all of the answers you need. You are looking it this through you own self-worth and frailty, not objectively.

 You are so bothered :)

User Stats

Jonathan Greene
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#1 All Forums Contributor
  • Specialist
  • Mendham, NJ
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Jonathan Greene
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#1 All Forums Contributor
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In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.


Let me know where the imbalance of power is. Let me know where the repetition is when I have only responded to you. I never messaged you. I have no idea who you are and you inserted yourself into this forum post.

User Stats

Jonathan Greene
Pro Member
#1 All Forums Contributor
  • Specialist
  • Mendham, NJ
Votes |
Jonathan Greene
Pro Member
#1 All Forums Contributor
  • Specialist
  • Mendham, NJ
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Jonathan Greene:
Quote from @FR W.:
Quote from @Dan H.:

@FR W.

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


"I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him."

What? Copy and paste all of those into the forum for everyone to see. If you are licensed psychologist, I would ask you to send this entire thread to your mentor and get them to weigh in on your behavior and usage over and over of the words bullying.

I have told you to get help multiple times which I stand by. I have called you fragile multiple times which I stand by. I don't recall any personal insults going your way. So please post those and in return, I will post your most outrageous personal attacks including criticizing my parenting, feeling sorry for my kids. Seems like as a psychologist you would know what is out of bounds.

Your fragility keeps getting reinforced every time you post and you keep doubling down and tripling down. Please send the whole chain to your mentor and you will have all of the answers you need. You are looking it this through you own self-worth and frailty, not objectively.

 You are so bothered :)

You literally just proved the theory that you are the one doing the "bullying". I have been sitting here laughing for days hoping you would stop, but here you keep going. Of course, you don't respond to sending the thread to your mentor because you know the result.

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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

I have only been defending newbies while admitting their faults at the same time but keep getting insults.  For the life of me I don't understand how some seasoned pros think it's ok to do that.  Even more baffling is watching other pros joining in on that.  Last one being Jim K. who took it another level!  Newbies are largely wrong, I get that, but for a reason.  What reason do seasoned pros has to not just be understanding of that?  

Only a couple dared to chime in and break away from the 'club' which I largely appreciate. 

My opinion was he attempted to add levity/humor to a thread that is getting too personal.  In addition the Kens likely more fit the experienced “bully” group more than the “sensitive” newbie group.  

newbies will not catch the reference to Ken.  It was the only post in this that got a chuckle out of me.

I think the original post in this thread was an attempt to help.  I agree some people are sensitive, but I virtually never see value in calling it out.  I also agree there may be some light bullying, but if it was directed at me I would not give a $hit.    I do not see a benefit in this case of calling someone sensitive or someone a bully.  This thread has largely become your bullying me, you are a sensitive cry baby. 

note in a different thread, I have called out a user for continuously making up data in an attempt to make his case. Calling him out IMO is different because he appears to be intentionally deceitful trying to make his case. I believe that warrants being called out on so others do not believe his made up stats and succumb to his view based on made up data. I have some wish that at some point in the future, if a user points out made up data and attaches a link to a reliable source (NAR, case Shiller, neighborhoodscout, Rentometer, etc) showing the data is made up, that BP flags the post as being erroneous. This would prevent newbies from being misled believing made up data that they found on BP.

Hi, Dan.  I am no one's victim, but I am known for standing up for those who are, or those who would be victims.  I have also NOT been bullied here - no one can bully me - I am much too strong for that - but I am known for shutting bullies down when I witness them attacking the innocent.  This one on here along with his "little" buddy who chirped in, tickled my fancy a bit more than usual because I've witnessed the initial poster "bullying" others before.  I knew what kind of "retaliation" would come my way for daring to offer another perspective to his comments, but since I AM NOT intimidated by words or otherwise, I chose to leave my opinion anyway, in hopes that it would bring a bit more kindness to the situation, instead of a piling on of "newbies" by the so-called 'pros' - some who make such degrading remarks about being a "new" investor, that it's sad. And it's done to intimidate; but I turned the tables, and it's clear he isn't accustomed to that, nor does he like it when it's done to him. 

I get it, hurt people, hurt people, and for some people to feel better about themselves, they have to make other people feel small.  How sad for them. There is no other reason than that for poking fun at anyone or attempting to make others feel less than.  

I make no apologies for anything I've said here, because everything I have pointed out about the BULLY was truthful, and everything meant to be helpful was kind.  Calling someone a "cry baby" "lurker" or any of the other nasty adjectives he spewed, that's name calling;  calling someone a BULLY is fact.  His words (the proof) are on glaring display, and if everyone were honest, they'd call it out for what it is/was - BULLYING - nothing light about it.  And there should never be a time when any kind of BULLYING is brushed off as "light."  BULLYING of any kind is the reason kids (and adults) have taken their lives, so I stand against it in every form, and on every level... light or large.

If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Only one person (along with his "little" friend) took this stream off track.  The other comments (that I noticed) were other points of view.  And if you don't like someone challenging what you put in words online, don't write anything publicly.  No one has to agree with you.  And if no one was attacking him for his views, he should not have taken to attacking others, but he did, because that's his mo.  It's what he's gotten away with for so long, unchallenged.  Not today.

You have to have a thick skin for this business, and although some like to boast that they have it, the proof is in the pudding here in this stream.

Thank you for your perspective Dan.  It was appreciated :)

 The more you post, the more I find you overtly sensitive (at least toward others feelings as you say you cannot be bullied but not sure anyone other than you felt initial post tried to bully anyone).  I usually would not state such (that you are coming across sensitive) but if any of Jonathon’s initial comments were addressed at me, I would not be offended or consider it bullying.  Maybe I have thick skin and, as I indicated, I think there is typically no value in calling someone sensitive.  

I also reserve the term bully for a lot worse words than any I have seen from either party in this thread.   

>If someone wants to BULLY and I happen to witness it, well, what a sad day for them.

Not sure how you find this comment not to describe a bully.  

I question if the defender of the perceived meek (which I am not sure there are anyone that felt bullied in this thread) has become as big a bully as the accused bully (which I am not sure there is a bully in this thread). I suspect you are standing up for an imagined victim.

I am not saying any of this trying to bully anyone as much as show how you are coming across to me.  Maybe I am alone in my feeling, but I suspect not.  

Best wishes

And Dan, just for clarity, let's say that I'm the only one who called out the BULLYING.  That's evident in the number of "private" email messages that I've received regarding this very thread.

And I'm also not interested in how I'm coming across to anyone here - it's your friend here who is here for the favor.  

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I know some people on these forums.  I go to BPCon.  I go to local REA events (not as many as I desire).  I do not know Jonathan other than his posts.  If we have ever been at the same place, I was unaware. I am pretty sure we have never met.  

I do not agree with all his posts and suspect he does not agree with all mine (not sure why would disagree with my posts 😀). I think he is more knowledgeable than many/most BP user and do not ever remember him posting a falsehood (false is data that is wrong; it is not false to have a different opinion/view).  Definitely I would not call him a friend or even an acquaintance. He is someone I know who he is and find knowledgeable in his posts.  

I personally am more restrained in calling someone sensitive, thin skinned, etc than Jonathan but you have crossed the line to were I share his belief.  Note I would not have started such but when you indicate light bullying have led some to suicide, etc that is crazy.  Suicide results from an illness.  Someone that is pushed to that extreme on light bullying is very sick and the sickness was the culprit.   If you search hard enough, you can find something offensive in virtually anything.  The path of your comments lead me to conclude you are one of those people looking for stuff to be offended by.  If you seek it, you are likely to find it. 

You indicate you have gotten PMs from those that felt this thread had a bully.  I will say the longer this thread goes, the more people who publicly side with Jonathon in this thread and in spite of you referring to all of them as Jonathan’s friends I suspect none would refer to themselves as Jonathan’s friend.  I initially took a neutral stance, but you keeping enlarging this perceived bullying.  That only can happen by being avertly sensitive.  

Like all post, this is my opinion only.  

Best wishes

Again, thank you for sharing, but if you think any kind of BULLYING is "good" BULLYING or to be considered "light" BULLYING, then I would urge you to do some research on the statistics and the subject.  And your comment on the fact that thinking suicide doesn't at times stem from kids and adults being BULLYING, is "crazy," I would urge you to do your research immediately.  It's far from crazy.  IT'S FACT.  BULLYING is never OK, not in any shape, form, or fashion.  

And thank you for feeling the need to jump in to your friend's defense, which is what he needs to feed his ego (and to help him along here).  He's been calling for your help since we started, so thank you, again, for heeding his call.  

You have stated more than once that you're leaning towards others agreeing with him - sir, I'm not here looking for anyone to agree with me - that would be what the other poster is seeking. I don't need anyone to speak for me, to jump to my defense, or co-sign anything I say.  I will leave those who have not the capability to stand on their on two feet to seek that help.

Thank you, again, for your input.

Have an amazing Sunday!

 I do not know how to be clearer “I do not consider anything in this thread to be bullying”.  Someone who is sensitive may think it is light bullying but they would be overtly sensitive. 

You indicated light bullying led to suicide.   I assure you their illness led to the suicide. No one not very sick would kill themselves over light bullying.

I already told you, I never met Jonathan.  I believe I have never communicated with Jonathan in person (PM, text, email, phone, etc).  I am confident that neither of us would refer to the other as a friend and even acquaintance is too much.  I know him from his posts only.  

Your posts are why I am against your position and find you sensitive.  You can state your not sensitive, but your posts show us differently.

Good luck

 Sir, I am a licensed psychologist, so please don't attempt to tell me what suicide is or isn't, or what causes it.  I assure you your statements lead to you needing to do some serious research.  Kids have been BULLIED online, or called names by someone online that they've never met, that led them to go home and hang themselves.  I would urge you to choose your words carefully on the matter of how "light" BULLYING is nothing more than jovial OR playful banter.  I'm sure a parent of such a child as I have mentioned above, would take great offense to your ignorance on the matter.  And that is not me calling you a name - we are all ignorant on some matter or another.  Do your research.

And once again, you are entitled to your opinion on BULLYING, and I'm also not moved by you thinking me overly sensitive or that you are against my position.  I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him.  I find it odd that you feel the need to insert yourself and run to your friend's defense.  I don't know you, therefore your opinions or your take on me and how you view my words, have ABSOLUTELY no bearing on me.  You are entitled to feel how you feel.  Lastly, you state what my posts show "us."  Thank you for sharing what you say my posts show "you." 

Have an amazing month ahead! ###TE


"I'm not the one here who is using the strongly worded, nasty sentences and phrases directed at those who don't agree with him."

What? Copy and paste all of those into the forum for everyone to see. If you are licensed psychologist, I would ask you to send this entire thread to your mentor and get them to weigh in on your behavior and usage over and over of the words bullying.

I have told you to get help multiple times which I stand by. I have called you fragile multiple times which I stand by. I don't recall any personal insults going your way. So please post those and in return, I will post your most outrageous personal attacks including criticizing my parenting, feeling sorry for my kids. Seems like as a psychologist you would know what is out of bounds.

Your fragility keeps getting reinforced every time you post and you keep doubling down and tripling down. Please send the whole chain to your mentor and you will have all of the answers you need. You are looking it this through you own self-worth and frailty, not objectively.

 You are so bothered :)

You literally just proved the theory that you are the one doing the "bullying". I have been sitting here laughing for days hoping you would stop, but here you keep going. Of course, you don't respond to sending the thread to your mentor because you know the result.

And you keep getting more bothered by the second.  You're not laughing at all.  Fuming would be more like it.  I do understand.

Smile :)  (and remember to breathe).

Have an amazing Sunday!

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Britt Hennings
  • Crossville, TN
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Britt Hennings
  • Crossville, TN

Im a noob investor. Just posted a deal I will be doing in STR. Everyone go roast me.

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Jonathan Greene
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Jonathan Greene
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Another thing to add to the initial post would be:

Don't get emotionally connected to deals, properties, or negotiations. It will lead you astray every time and lead to bad investments.

The reason why I don't baby new investors is because of this. If you took a poll of all the most successful real estate investors in the world, they would have the ability to stay emotionally neutral in real estate dealings. That is how you win and miss bad deals.

Your biggest power in real estate is to walk away, not get hyperbolic over something that doesn't go your way. 

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Jonathan Greene
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Jonathan Greene
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Quote from @Britt Hennings:

Im a noob investor. Just posted a deal I will be doing in STR. Everyone go roast me.

A little tuckered out from this one, but I will see what I can do. :0

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Britt Hennings
  • Crossville, TN
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Britt Hennings
  • Crossville, TN

@Jonathan Greene Haha yes I got a shout out! Is that reverse bullying?

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Quote from @Jonathan Greene:

In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.


Let me know where the imbalance of power is. Let me know where the repetition is when I have only responded to you. I never messaged you. I have no idea who you are and you inserted yourself into this forum post.

LOL!  Now, you're really bothered - you've run to Google for help! 

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Jonathan Greene
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Jonathan Greene
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Quote from @Britt Hennings:

@Jonathan Greene Haha yes I got a shout out! Is that reverse bullying?

Yes, now when I speak, it is automatic bullying.