Landlord Law Changes are coming to Maryland
Dear Landlords, Investors, and Property Managers, and interested stakeholders,
Significant change is coming to the rental property business in Baltimore, and the state, and possibly the DMV area. Please take a few minutes of your time to process this message because you are likely impacted by the coming changes; my intent was to be as brief as possible.
Did you know:
- tenant water bill charges are no longer recoverable in Rent Court? It's a result of the Felicia Lockett v. Blue Ocean Bristol higher court ruling and lower court interpretations of that ruling.
- there was a report published by the Public Justice Center portraying rent court system as being heavily slanted in favor of landlords and detrimental to tenants?
- about Senate Bill 801? It presents significant change in Baltimore and the entire state of Maryland because of the aforementioned report.
If you’re not aware of the details, then please keep reading.
Small Business and independent Landlords in the U.S. are a silent majority of rental housing and affordable housing providers (53% of all rental housing is single family or 2-4 unit properties). Yet, we are missing a collective voice with Policy Makers, and significant change is coming!
Help! We have a voice at the table with Policy Makers and now we need your input. Please complete this four-minute survey. The aim was to make your feedback structured and as easy quick as possible for you to complete. We need to capture experiences from Maryland Landlords to be presented during the summer study review of SB 801.
On behalf of all Maryland Landlords, and our community in general, thank you for participating.